Can I substitute light mayo? Trying to reduce calories and fat

  • Posted by: Cheryl
  • April 25, 2022


Nancy April 26, 2022
Following the good advice already here.
I found when I wanted to control or lose weight that a limit of 1-2 tbsp of fat per dish helped.
Fat helps provide flavor and and your body needs some for digestion, especially of some fat-soluble vitamins.
It also allowed me to chose almost any dish and adjust it.
Last, while you're watching your intake, avoid those grocery store products labeled "fat free." They usually taste awful and are loaded with sugar and chemicals to compensate for absent fat.
Nancy April 26, 2022
Revision. I meant 1-2 tbsp fat per serving, or per dish per person.
Thus, for fewer cslories and less fat in your diet, in this dish for 4 people, use a maximum 8 tbsp fat (mayo and/or oil) compared to the 18 tbsp fat as originally written.
drbabs April 25, 2022
I don’t care for mayo so I’d probably use a little olive oil and lemon juice in its place for the marinade and dressing. I also like my salads minimally dressed and very tart, so take that into account.
702551 April 25, 2022

Another effective strategy is portion control: just make less dressing. I'm guessing that cutting the salad dressing ingredient quantities by one third would still result in a very enjoyable dish.
702551 April 25, 2022
Note that a fair amount of dressing is used as a marinade for frying the chicken.

You could simply grill or broil the chicken without the marinade to reduce fat/calories but it will have a different profile. Arguably you would no longer be making Ali's dish.

Your call.
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