Why, when I click on "Contests", nothing happens?

Roger Dube


Emily K. May 9, 2022
Hi Roger! Oh no, sounds like you might be experiencing some sort of isolated browser glitch. Can you access this page now? https://food52.com/contests

If you're still having trouble you're welcome to write [email protected] and we'll be sure to get to the bottom of it.
Roger D. May 9, 2022
I can get to it from the email link you provided, but it seems that I can't access any of the links under the "Community" drop-down including "add recipe"
Emily K. May 11, 2022
Hi again Roger! So sorry we didn't get back to you right away. Since it does sound like an isolated browser glitch, could you try refreshing, clearing your browser's cache, and/or restarting? I think that should do the trick.
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