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Gourmet Banana Pudding
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32 Reviews
Jane E.
August 11, 2023
Twelve years later, this is still the best. Rubbing the vanilla pod seeds into the mixture is brilliant. I use Trader Jie’s vanilla cookies because I think they taste better—also my regular grocery is always out of Nilla wafers. My friends really love this. They even ask when I am going to make it again!
November 29, 2016
This is one of my favorite recipes. Sometimes I just make the pudding alone and sometimes I layer all the ingredients into a pie crust for a heavenly cream pie.
Loretta N.
June 17, 2014
I was so excited to make this recipe as I LOVE banana pudding. Unfortunately, it didn't come out as I had anticipated. I think it had something to do with the heavy cream. I will definitely try again, though.
May 1, 2014
I had this many times growing up but didn't realize it was a regional recipe. I haven't thought about it in a while, but I think I will be trying to make it soon...
May 21, 2013
This is insanely good. It's a Southern thing. I have an old recipe that includes a meringue. I make banana pudding when I want to really splurge. The ultimate comfort dessert.
Maria C.
April 3, 2013
I am going to make this, I hate cooking and do not do it , but I may start by doing this, when I say I hate cooking it does not mean that I can't cook. I will do this for my daughter Beth .
February 17, 2013
Holy bananas - This pudding was very good and much easier to make than I'd anticipated.
September 2, 2012
Final part of step 2 add tablespoon of real bourbon---not extract and get ready to go to heaven.
March 4, 2012
Oh my God! This sounds insanely delicious! Now, not to be sacreligious, but the low-cal version might include using a sugar free pudding base, or vanilla yogurt. Then you could use Cool Whip (I know, don't scream) instead of cream, put a couple of walnuts in with the bananas, and proceed with the lowest calorie vanilla wafers that could be found. It certainly won't measure up to the original, but neither will the calories.
November 26, 2011
I have to recommend Trader Joe's Vanilla wafers instead of Nilla. They are amazing and have a natural (vs artificial) vanilla flavor.... I have been using them for banana pudding for a while now, and could never go back to Nillas now!
June 4, 2011
How long would the pudding keep, if making in advance? Pudding on Sunday, assemble on Wed. to eat Thursday?
Jane E.
May 8, 2011
This is ridiculously good. My daughter made it yesterday for her all-southern recipe Derby Day party. She did substitute safeway vanilla wafers--she liked their ingredients better--and served it in a big dish. It was really, really, good. Really good. I might even go eat some of the leftovers. After all, it is Mother's Day.
March 14, 2011
I make five 24x12x6in deep puddings twice a year for my Fire Department's fundraisers in NC, the firefighters love helping, but yes we do the Jello recipe with some tweaks, we sell out usually before dinner. I look forward to making this for a special event
March 13, 2011
Banana pudding is my favorite! My birthday is next week and I think I must have this for dessert...thanks for sharing your recipe. :)
March 13, 2011
HI ccolbert. I have been to Bali many many times- I envy you! We used to go 2-3 times a year until the flights were cancelled. I always went grocery shopping. I'm not sure where you live on Bali. I would try the heavy wipping cream should work for this recipe. Have you tried any of the diary items in boxes in the milk isle?? I have brought many of these and they work great depending on what your cooking. Have you been to Gourmet Gargae?
March 13, 2011
Hi there ... I've just relocated to Bali and have yet to source fresh cream and/or half and half. The only thing that's available is UHT heavy whipping cream. I've tried to substitute this before when making panna cotta, but wasn't really happy with the results. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated! :-)
March 12, 2011
Hi Merrill- great recipe, thanks so much. I made it a day before and it really improved with time. Delicious!
March 11, 2011
Hi Merrill, would this recipe be ok to make in advance by one day?
Merrill S.
March 11, 2011
Yes, it would! It needs a little time for the pudding to soak into the wafers and soften them. I think it's probably at its best a day later -- two or three days, and you may start to think it's seeming soggy.
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