Mustard-Crusted Tofu with Kale and Sweet Potato
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5 Reviews
April 10, 2019
this recipe needs a do over. in one place it says to use garlic and another ginger. Which is it? Did not find it appetizing at all.
June 27, 2019
It's a Bon Appetit recipe that was transcribed incorrectly-- the original calls for ginger, the person who added it here must have mistakenly typed garlic in the ingredients.
April 24, 2013
This was a hearty, tasty, yet light dish. I used red onions instead, and the sweetness of these onions worked really well. Hard to keep the mustard seed on the tofu when flipping, but I just added whatever fell off to the tofu afterward when serving. Will make again!
June 14, 2011
I made this dish with homemade tofu (http://bottomupfood.wordpress.com/2011/06/15/homemade-tofu/) and really enjoyed it. But I would suggest some changes to the recipe:
1) Start sauteeing the sweet potato well before the kale. It needs at least 1-2x as much time cooking.
2) Roll the tofu in mustard seeds at the end of Step 1. (The recipe omits mustard seeds as an ingredient and neglects to recommend rolling the tofu in them as a step. In fact, the recipe doesn't say anything about mustard seeds until it you have already cooked one side of the tofu.)
1) Start sauteeing the sweet potato well before the kale. It needs at least 1-2x as much time cooking.
2) Roll the tofu in mustard seeds at the end of Step 1. (The recipe omits mustard seeds as an ingredient and neglects to recommend rolling the tofu in them as a step. In fact, the recipe doesn't say anything about mustard seeds until it you have already cooked one side of the tofu.)
March 28, 2011
Yum! I just made this and it was quick and easy for a light-ish dinner. I added more lime after plating and am going back for seconds! Thanks!
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