
Fresh Horseradish Roasted Potato Salad

March 25, 2011
3 Ratings
  • Serves 4, side dish
Author Notes

The only kind of potato salad that graced the family table was a German influenced one punctuated by bacon, mustard, and vinegar. My mother had an aversion to mayonaise and passed it on to my siblings and me. But we ate horseradish like it was going out of style. Stirred into chili sauce to dip shrimp in/spoon over shucked clams or into sour cream and slathered over rye bread for corned beef sandwiches and a later favorite of mine, a vehicle for Fries and potato pancakes, it has a sharpness that burns and cools at the same time.
I bought a horseradish root in the market earlier not knowing what I would do with it. I've been roasting vegetables all night and had a pan of finished roasted red potatoes and sweet potatoes. I grated a heap of the fresh horseradish and combined it with a few tablespoons of sour cream and mixed it all together. It was pretty fabulous. The recipe is more of a method, so feel free to adjust quantities as you see fit. - testkitchenette —testkitchenette

Test Kitchen Notes

This is potato salad with a serious snap! Testkitchenette gives you the freedom to adjust this recipe to your own tastes, but I found her measurements were spot on. Two tablespoons of horseradish were perfect in this recipe. The combination of roasted, caramelized red potatoes and sweet potatoes is great with the burn of the horseradish and a healthy dollop of crème fraîche brings it all together. I was lucky enough to have some duck fat on hand, but olive oil should work well here if you don’t. I loved it so much warm that there wasn't much left to try cold -- although, both temperatures were delicious. - biffbourgeois —Stephanie Bourgeois

  • 1 pound red potatoes, chopped into 1" pieces (I always leave the skin on)
  • 1 pound sweet potatoes, chopped into 1" pieces (I leave the skin on)
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • grindings of black pepper
  • 1-2 tablespoons olive oil/duck fat/bacon grease
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream/creme fraiche (adjust quantity as to how moist you want your potatoes)
  • 1-2 tablespoons freshly grated horseradish (cut the tough end off and grate with your rasp, no need to peel)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 handful fresh dill, chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 450F. In a large bowl, combine the red and sweet potatoes, salt, pepper, and oil/fat of your choice and stir to coat well. Pour onto a jelly roll pan/cookie sheet and spread out. Roast for about 30-40 minutes on the middle rack, turning every so often until nicely caramelized. This may take you longer or shorter that my time.
  2. When potatoes are done, remove from oven and let cool for about five minutes. In the meantime, grate the horseradish into the sour cream/creme fraiche and stir. Pour over the potatoes and combine well. Adjust for salt and pepper and add the dill. Serve immediately or eat it cold.

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5 Reviews

testkitchenette April 7, 2011
Thanks for such a great review!
AntoniaJames April 7, 2011
Yummm. Cannot wait to try this recipe. ;o)
testkitchenette April 7, 2011
Thanks, AntoniaJames!
Sounds excellent!
gingerroot March 26, 2011
I was thinking of something along these lines...this sounds delicious!!