Bisteeya Wontons
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25 Reviews
August 30, 2012
We have a restaurant here called Mataam Fez which serves flakey, wonderful Bastilla which I have loved and made for years. It is always an undertaking but well worth it. I love the idea of bite-sized versions...what a great idea.
August 30, 2012
Thank you, savorthis! They are pretty tasty, and I think a good approximation of a true bisteeya.
December 6, 2011
These sound terrific, HLA! I love the use of wonton wrappers and your filling looks marvelous. Perfect for a holiday treat!
December 6, 2011
Thanks, BKR! The wonton wrappers are easy to use, and the filling is seriously yummy. I really can't say how much I ate for "quality control," but it was definitely more than I needed to!
December 7, 2011
Don't underestimate the importance of quality control! More is always better in my opinion. :)
December 6, 2011
Yum. These still look so delicious to me! They had fallen off my radar, and I'm so glad you posted them to this contest. I must make these! And, I love Lori's idea of using a baking stone and phyllo.
December 6, 2011
They'd fallen off my radar, too, but now I am craving them! I think I'll try lori's idea later in the week.
December 5, 2011
Great recipe...I made this the a few months back when you posted for "best dumpling" and last week with phyllo dough and baked them on a baking stone.
December 6, 2011
Your comment made my day! I love the idea of the phyllo on a baking stone. Did you fold it into triangles?
April 10, 2011
Have to try this - finally b'stilla made easy :) I remember once in Morocco being invited for lunch and there was one that filled the centre of the table. The ladies of the house had been working on it for three days... Almost 20 years ago, but unforgettable.
Thank you for posting this - can't wait!
Thank you for posting this - can't wait!
April 10, 2011
Thanks, teemee! I think they are a good approximation, and relatively quick and easy. Please let me know if you get a chance to try them.
April 5, 2011
I love your inspiration for these dumplings! I've been meaning to make pastilla/bstilla/etc for some time now, but I may have to try these first!
April 5, 2011
Thanks, kmartinelli! If you try them let me know how you like them. Maybe you'll be better about not sampling so much of the filling.
April 5, 2011
ps. I used the bisteeya spelling because I think it makes it easiest to pronounce!
April 4, 2011
Great idea hla! I'm obsessed with Moroccan food right now and these sound wonderful!
April 4, 2011
Thanks, 5&spice. I couldn't stop sampling the filling, and my husband was very pleased with having them for supper last night!
April 4, 2011
Wow, hardlikearmour, these sound amazing! Yet another recipe of yours that I wish I had right now to enjoy. : )
April 4, 2011
That's funny, I generally feel the same about your recipes! I think I've made your manapua in one variation or another more often than any other recipe from this site.
April 4, 2011
That means a whole lot coming from you! I suppose I should be thankful my son is so picky, since that is what led me to make those manapua. xx
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