Marak Kubbeh Adom
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23 Reviews
March 16, 2023
My mom use to make this dish growing up and when I go to israel it does not taste like this recipe! I tried semolina for the first time and it definitely did not taste right!
March 4, 2013
Have some of the instructions gone missing?
March 4, 2013
Yes! Thanks so much for noticing - weird! You can find the full recipe here:
March 22, 2012
My Mother-in Law is Iraqi Jewish...her cookbook, Mama Nazima's Jewish Iraqi Cuisine, contains this recipe and a whole lot more--I cook from it all the time! So glad to see this on Food 52!!!!!!
April 18, 2011
What a gorgeous photo! I'm going to have to try this - my husband is Polish and turned me onto borscht with dumplings a while ago, so I would love to see how that same idea of beet soup & dumplings translates to Israeli cuisine.
April 15, 2011
I have some nice-looking hamousta recipies in shuk and in bukharan cooking books...:)
April 14, 2011
Love that you posted a recipe for marak kubbeh adom. When I lived in Jerusalem, I visited a little restaurant beyond the shuk called Morduch about once a week. They had great marak kubbeh adom, and a fantastic rendition of hamousta. I favor hamousta, and have made it a couple times, but after seeing this very approachable recipe, I'll need to try my hand at it as well!
April 15, 2011
I love Mordoch! Ima Kubbeh Bar, also in the shuck, is another favorite. Next I'll have to try my hand At making the hamousta variety. If you have a good recipe let me know!
April 14, 2011
Thanks so much to thehappycook for your amazing feedback and ep! I am so glad it turned out well :-)
April 14, 2011
Hi everyone - it has been brought to my attention that I list garlic in the kubbeh ingredients but then don't say what to do with it! Oops. Saute with the garlic before adding the beef.
Burnt O.
April 13, 2011
What a gorgeous dish! I'd never heard of it, but I certainly look forward to making it. Thanks for the background and straightforward instructions.
April 10, 2011
This looks and sounds amazing. So glad you finally made it! Thanks for the recipe and terrific instructions.
April 10, 2011
Thanks gingerroot! I'm glad the bright red color didn't scare you away :-p
April 9, 2011
You're on a roll! This looks magnificent :)
April 9, 2011
Thanks nogaga! I was so excited when I compared the photo of my kubbeh next to one I'd take at Ima Kubbeh Bar in Mahane Yehuda and found them to be nearly identical! Can't wait until we finally meet up in Jerusalem. Still no sign of rhubarb round here...
April 8, 2011
Thank you for reminding me of how much I love kubbeh. I was never able to decide whether I preferred the green soup or the red soup. Other than the kubbeh, they had no resemblance to each other, but both were amazing. Now that you have perfected the red version, it may be time to get to work on the green version just as a special favor to me. What a perfect entry for the dumpling contest.
April 9, 2011
Thanks, friendlyoaks! I had never even heard of kubbeh before moving to Israel, but now I'm obsessed. There are so many varieties of kubbeh, and all so good! I was always under the impression that making it was a full day affair so was just thrilled to discover it wasn't as involved as I thought. I'll get to work on a green version, stat! :-)
April 7, 2011
Way to go! So glad you finally did it. The color is incredible, and it sounds really yummy.
April 7, 2011
Thanks, as always, for the encouragement hardlikearmour!! It came out really great.
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