
Grilled octopus

May  4, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves 3
Author Notes

This recipe is a fusion of many versions of grilled octopus I have had over the years and I finally decided to create one of my own. —christo

  • 5 pounds octopus
  1. wash octopus
  2. place octopus in a pot with stock, onions, garlic, finely ground oregano salt & pepper, and a shot of vermouth set the dial to "low" and let it cook for oh I dont know - 3 hours or so
  3. Completely reduced in size, firmed up yet incredibly tender I let it sit in the ice box over night in the poaching liquid.
  4. Portioned out and put on skewers with a little extra oregano sprinkled on to create more smokiness and a spritz of olive oil to help it along the octopus is now ready for the grill.
  5. Flashed on a hot grill enough to warm it through and impart a nice smoky flavor from both the coals and the smoldering oregano I plated it up with a little garlic chile sauce, some extra virgin olive oil, course grain sea salt, some lemon wedges and bread that was spread with olive oil and also toasted on the grill.

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3 Reviews

christo May 23, 2011
then you would need to put stock in the stock pot or does a stockpot come prefilled with stock in your kitchen?
dymnyno May 5, 2011
Christo, do you mean you put the octopus in a pot WiTH stock, or do you mean you put the octopus in a STOCKPOT?
christo May 4, 2011
I do have step by step photos to help tell the recipe story.