Mother's Day

Artichoke Heart with Smoked Salmon and Fried Egg Over Easy

May  7, 2011
2 Ratings
  • Serves 1
Author Notes

Happy Mother's Day friends! I was rummaging through my fridge today and realized how thankful I am for the good foods spring has to offer. This little meal couldn't be simpler, but we can describe it in very complicated ways. Just for fun, we could talk about it as a deconstruction of the classic eggs benedict-- creamy yolk from pastured farm egg mocking hollandaise; meaty succulent artichoke heart easily replacing (both! ha!) the classic tough gone soggy english muffin and boring oversalted canadian bacon; smoked salmon, well, just because it tastes good. Culinary Mother's-Day-meets-spring-coup-d'etat! But this would all be very silly, because its not much of a recipe and more of a cheery spring greeting--a small pile of some of the first lovely things available as the sun starts to dry the soggy muddy earth. Enjoy, I certainly did! —Slow Cooked Pittsburgh

  • 1 artichoke heart (or cut a few smaller marinated hearts into lovely small bite pieces)
  • 3 ounces smoked salmon (or chunk a piece of baked filet)
  • 1 spring farm egg
  • dab spring butter (do your best to find it--we can only get it this time of year!)
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  1. Start your stack with the artichoke heart and a drizzle of melted spring butter. Add a few slices of salmon and another drizzle of butter. Immediately place the cooked egg on top with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, serve while good and hot. Some hash browns and orange juice on the side wouldn't hurt one bit.

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