Grilled Lamb Chops - Greek Style
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4 Reviews
October 24, 2012
JUST discovered these. We now have a new favorite in a family with a NUMBER of picky eaters (as well as a number of food enthusiasts....!) I substituted humongous fresh, organic garlic cloves for dried, and put everything but the olive oil into the mini-processor, slathered the chops with the olive oil and then the rub, left it in the fridge for a couple of hours then brought it all to room temperature for an hour. Grilled. Stuffed our faces :~)
October 25, 2012
So glad you enjoyed them...they're probably our favorite grilled meat. I've used fresh garlic often too. Thanks so much!
May 26, 2011
Lemon and lamb...what's not to love! Going to do this next week. Thank you for the recipe!
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