Cinque Doigt Marie’s Dragon Fruit Fizz
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11 Reviews
June 2, 2011
Isn't that a pretty green dragon fruit?
June 3, 2011
Pretty as in good looking or green as in raw? It was actually soft and ripe, and in my short experience with using them I've found that they don't hold for long so it had to go to work.
June 3, 2011
I've never seen a green one. The ones that I get in Hawaii are flaming red. ( my 3rd French 75, I would be hallucinating too!!)
June 2, 2011
Actually I had this recipe written up already but then Brotha T brought in Hunter S. Thompson. So it obliged me to add the eternal Keith Richards.
June 3, 2011
Love that you made good on your word to work him in! Marie's Fizz sounds pretty fabulous too. Will be trying this soon.
June 2, 2011
Wow! You and Thirschfeld are having quite the literary runoff! Wish I had this recipe a few weeks ago when I had dragon fruit available! Not to mention the soviet spy ;)
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