5 Ingredients or Fewer
Raspberry Riesling Sherbet
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37 Reviews
July 8, 2011
I have been craving something like this for a long time! I really do love it when recipes call for just a few ingredients. When in comes to dessert, especially within the realm of ice creams, sorbets, and sherbets, less is always more ;) Best of luck gingerroot!!
July 7, 2011
I think this is what will make me finally use the Cusinart Ice Cream Maker I just HAD to have like 4 years ago! Great recipe!! Good Luck!
Beautiful, M.
July 7, 2011
Yum! I was thinking cabernet as another possibility too, what do you think?
July 7, 2011
Thank you! I think Cab would be delicious as long as it was easy drinking and not too big. I'm about to post another wine scream I made this week with raspberries and Malbec.
July 5, 2011
"Wine-scream", too funny, gingerroot. My neighbor's granddaughter calls the frozen yogurt I make "yogurt-scream". Buttermilk is a great ingredient to use; I used it with lime for an ice cream here on F52...works wonderfully. I have never used wine, or ChezSuzanne's Prosecco to make a sorbet or ice cream. I will be trying that soon! Lovely photo!
July 5, 2011
Thanks, lapadia! Yogurt-scream, I love that too. Your Raspberry-Coconut Custard pie looks amazing!
July 5, 2011
Yum! Love the idea of wine-scream. That's awesome. Also, love the use of buttermilk in this. It sounds wonderful.
July 5, 2011
Thanks, fiveandspice! Can't take total credit for wine-scream (Lot18 called it that first) but I also can't stop saying it, or thinking about it, hee hee. The buttermilk gives it that extra pop of flavor.
July 5, 2011
So delicious! Will have to get my ice cream maker out for this one!
July 5, 2011
Thank you, healthierkitchen! I hope you try it, I think it might be one of my favorite frozen flavor combinations.
July 5, 2011
The addition of the riesling is genius!
July 5, 2011
Thanks singing_baker! I was curious to see if a Riesling would work, and was pleased with the result. While it adds to the overall flavor, the raspberries are the star.
July 5, 2011
Love! I made a sorbet last year with plums and Prosecco--I love making frozen desserts with wine, too.
July 5, 2011
Thanks, drbabs! I remember your lovely plum/Prosecco sorbet and hope to try it soon.
July 5, 2011
Oh man, I just saw this!! We were definitely on the same wavelength. I've never made ice cream with buttermilk and it sounds like the perfect combination with the raspberries and wine. Definitely making it!
July 5, 2011
Completely the same wavelength! Thanks so much, ChezSuzanne, I hope you try it. Your Italian Summer sounds lovely. I've saved it and will definitely try it soon!
July 3, 2011
Three of my favorite things...wine, raspberries and sherbet (or ice cream)!! Love this!
July 4, 2011
Thanks, inpatskitchen! I have another raspberry wine-scream idea I'm hoping to try after the holiday...
July 3, 2011
Love this! Wonderful combinations. I will be traveling, so won't be checking email for a while. Hope everyone has a nice week!
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