5 Ingredients or Fewer

Boozy Sour Cherries

July  4, 2011
2 Ratings
  • Makes 1 cup cherries
Author Notes

Kristy Mucci graciously shared with me the basic recipe for booze-soaked sour cherries that she and her fiance recently concocted as a homemade cocktail garnish. She covered sour cherries with Luxardo (Maraschino liqueuer), brought them to a simmer, then turned off the heat and let them cool in the Maraschino. I added a few strips of lemon peel and decided not to pit the cherries. These little booze bombs are both tart and sweet at the same time and would be the perfect garnish for a Manhattan or an Old Fashioned, or another cocktail of your choice (I wouldn't put one in your kid's Shirley Temple, though). —Merrill Stubbs

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  • 1 cup sour cherries, rinsed, with stems and pits
  • 3/4 to 1 cups Maraschino liqueur (you can substitute cherry brandy, but add a little sugar if you do)
  • Peel from 1/2 lemon, in strips
  1. Put the cherries in a single layer in a small, heavy saucepan. Pour enough Maraschino over to just cover the fruit and add the lemon peel.
  2. Bring the liquid to a simmer over medium heat. Once it starts bubbling, remove the pot from the heat and let the cherries sit and steep until they are cool. Use in your favorite cocktail, storing any extras with the liqueur in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

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4 Reviews

Better T. June 27, 2012
I've been making this for a couple of years now, love them in an Old Fashion. I 've done pitted and unpitted. And, sometimes add half of a vanilla bean. Store in nice jars in the frig, for a year! And, give them as Christmas presents to other Old Fashion lovers!
em-i-lis June 25, 2012
Hi Merrill, Do you think this recipe would work well for canning purposes? I've got a ton of sour cherries and would love to make these and be able to save for a few months!
alexia S. April 24, 2012
How long do you think these will keep? I have a cherry tree in my backyard (the previous owners told us that last year they picked 75 lbs of cherries)
Midge November 23, 2011
I made four pints of these when I scored a cache of sour cherries a few months ago (they seem to be keeping well in the fridge) and recently parted with a jar to add to a clafouti. So delicious!