5 Ingredients or Fewer

Relatively Guilt-free GrapefruitĀ Cocktail

July  8, 2011
3 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

In my experience, sitting in a bathing suit makes a person eat and drink lighter...I bought grapefruit vodka on a whim and rediscovered Fresca which I hadn't had in years. Grapefruit juice ice cubes are great because as they melt in the oppressive Texas heat your cocktail doesn't get watered down. —nannydeb

  • 12 ounces freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
  • 2 1/2 ounces grapefruit vodka
  • 1 can Fresca soft drink
  • 1 BFF to sip a cocktail with
  1. Pour the freshly squeezed grapefruit juice into an empty ice tray and freeze.
  2. Later that day (no judgement if you're drinking in the morning), crack the grapefruit ice into two 8 ounce glasses.
  3. In each glass, pour 1 1/4 ounce (or free pour however much you want) of grapefruit vodka.
  4. Top with Fresca and serve.
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Recipe by: nannydeb

Former restaurant manager (and waitress, bartender, etc). I love food: eating, trying new recipes, shopping for it, talking/emailing about it, etc. My foodie friend and pen pal got me interested in recipe contests and also turned me on to food52 and now I'm obsessed!

13 Reviews

Marcella July 10, 2011
Nannydeb -- would you consider muddling a wedge of fresh grapefruit with some basil between step 1 and step 2l? I had something similar in Las Vegas and it was a phenomenal combination. Love the ice cube idea! Good luck on the contest.
nannydeb July 11, 2011
Yes, that sounds great! Either fresh basil or mint! Thanks!
wssmom July 8, 2011
You had me at guilt-free ......:)
lapadia July 8, 2011
Great name, nannydeb! My friends & I use to make this drink, often, using regular Vodka, not sure there was a grapefruit flavored one back then, we always called it our "diet" drink...Fresca was the key ingredient for that. :)
lorigoldsby July 8, 2011
When I saw this posted, my first thought was, "Please, please have Fresca in it!". I would run the grapefruit cubes thru the blender though. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
nannydeb July 8, 2011
That sounds good too!
mrslarkin July 8, 2011
Dang I wish i lived closer! love me some Fresca! this sounds awesome nannydeb.
nannydeb July 8, 2011
We wished you lived closer too!
aargersi July 8, 2011
Mrs Larkin get your booty down here and cook and drink with us!!!
Lizthechef July 8, 2011
Love the idea of freezing juice into cubes...Nice cocktail - cheers!
nannydeb July 8, 2011
thanks! cheers!
aargersi July 8, 2011
Why don't you and Sonja come over tomorrow morning and we can have these? Yummy!
nannydeb July 8, 2011
Get to squeezin' that juice!