Smoked-Tea Rubbed Steak with Mango-Ginger Salsa
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25 Reviews
July 22, 2011
I've never thought to use a smokey tea like this in a in a rub! Sounds incredible, and I love sweet-spicy hot salsas with everything from beef to fish. Another great one to try. Thanks Oui, Chef!
July 20, 2011
Yet another have-to-try recipe. LOVE the rub and spicy salsa, Steve! Thumbs up!
July 20, 2011
This looks mind-blowingly delicious. I'm strongly feeling that you should just come over tonight and cook it for us! ;-) Barring that, I'm saving it to try myself.
July 20, 2011
I love the idea of a spice rub with tea leaves. I look forward to trying this.
susan G.
July 19, 2011
Mark Wendell is in Acton MA, and there should be stores selling the Hu Kwa teas. The web site doesn't have a retail list, but they ship, and you can contact them about picking it up there. I know my store sold it years ago and it was popular. Nice tins too. It's more mellow than the usual Lapsang, if I remember correctly. When I retired I was getting good quality teas from an importer in Vermont, Vermont Tea and Trading, but no Hu Kwa.
Mark Wendell is in Acton MA, and there should be stores selling the Hu Kwa teas. The web site doesn't have a retail list, but they ship, and you can contact them about picking it up there. I know my store sold it years ago and it was popular. Nice tins too. It's more mellow than the usual Lapsang, if I remember correctly. When I retired I was getting good quality teas from an importer in Vermont, Vermont Tea and Trading, but no Hu Kwa.
July 19, 2011
I love Lapsang Souchong! I typically get one called Pine Smoked Black made by Tao of Tea. It's got a rich smoky flavor & I bet it goes beautifully with the salsa. Gorgeous recipe!
July 19, 2011
I am lucky to have a great tea place nearby in Northampton, but they also do an online business. Mary Lou and Bob travel to hand select many of the teas they carry. Every time I visit they seem to have another book out, too:
July 19, 2011
The spiciness of the rub looks like it would be a perfect combination with the mango salsa! I have the same question aargersi does - can you tell us a little about the tea leaves, and a good sub if we can't find Lapsang Souchong?
July 19, 2011
It's more common than you might think. If you can't find any, I will mail you and aargesi some! It is maybe like a very smokey Earl Grey? I want to try this this weekend.
susan G.
July 19, 2011
About Lapsang Souchong: this tea is smoked over wood fires in traditional practice. When I first drank it, I made it at my desk at a very conventional work place. People would come over for a whiff, and say "Eeuw, it smells like creosote." They were right. I now find it too strong to brew alone, so I add a few pinches to another tea as base. One option for a substitute is a smoky Russian Caravan tea. But any place that sells bulk tea is likely to have it.
Oui, C.
July 19, 2011
susan g gives a great description of the tea here. To me, it smells like a campfire (and I mean that in a good way), it IS a strong tea, but one I enjoy drinking on a cold winter day, its too heavy for summer. I find it pretty readily around here. Thanks for you lovely comment, Suzanne! - S
July 19, 2011
This looks great - we love mango salsa too - I am not familiar with that tea - is there something common and comparable so I can "taste" it in my mind?
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