Chicken-Fried Macaroni and Cheese
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58 Reviews
Lauren B.
June 19, 2015
What I love most about this recipe - besides the fact of its mere existence! - is that it's a way to "fix" macaroni & cheese where the cheese sauce separates into curds & whey. My cheese sauce separated when I made this but frying it kind of put it back together again. A miracle!
June 19, 2015
I'm so glad it worked for you, Lauren! I've read that if you put your separated cheese sauce in a blender, it will re-emulsify.
May 28, 2015
I think my heart just both the good and bad way. I may die (heavy cream! cheese!), but by God, I'll go out with a smile on my face.
June 5, 2015
Just like my Uncle Pino who kicked the bucket while sitting in his recliner, eating a plate of gnocchi, and watching RAI Uno. Is there a better way to go?
August 12, 2011
Yes...I think that y'all would agree that this recipe is much better than the Iowa State Fairs new item,Fried Butter On a Stick!
August 13, 2011
Oh, I don't know. Deep fried butter may be the ultimate food achievement! ;)
August 13, 2011
fried butter???? omg i need to try that. It's gotta be frozen solid when they stick it in the fryer, no?
August 12, 2011
I have been thinking about this amazing recipe since you posted it and want your feedback on a few ideas. Noticed you did not use butter. Do you think butter would make it richer?
Also, what is your thought on adding bacon?
Thank you again Mrs. Larkin for making recipes that appeal to the greater good!
Also, what is your thought on adding bacon?
Thank you again Mrs. Larkin for making recipes that appeal to the greater good!
August 12, 2011
You're welcome, SKK!!
Hmmm...I didn't even consider butter, as the cheese sauce is so smooth by itself. So I'm not really sure if butter would make it richer.
And bacon, well, bacon makes everything better, doesn't it?? ;) I'd definitely try that.
Your question has got me thinking that I should have specified in the instructions to use full fat cheese and whole milk (for those using milk). Low-fat = sub-par grainy mac n cheese, in my experience.
Hmmm...I didn't even consider butter, as the cheese sauce is so smooth by itself. So I'm not really sure if butter would make it richer.
And bacon, well, bacon makes everything better, doesn't it?? ;) I'd definitely try that.
Your question has got me thinking that I should have specified in the instructions to use full fat cheese and whole milk (for those using milk). Low-fat = sub-par grainy mac n cheese, in my experience.
August 12, 2011
You didn't tell us that you were apprenticing with Paula Dean!
August 12, 2011
LOL. I just about spewed coffee all over the keyboard when I read this.
August 12, 2011
This is just about the most disgustingly unhealthy recipe I have ever seen, Mrslarkin. (I'm going to call it Mrs. Larkin's Artery Cloggers - Got any more like it?! LOL!)
August 12, 2011
Why thank you, WileyP! I think the key is not to eat the whole thing yourself! Share the wealth! ;)
August 11, 2011
Girl, you are the coolest! This sounds diabolically delicious! And thanks for recommending my gravy too :)
August 10, 2011
YUM! That's all I can really say about this (imagine my letters in bold, about 10 pts larger).
August 10, 2011
Yes, in fact I can imagine, because that's how big my butt has grown since eating this monster. Thanks g!
August 10, 2011
Sometimes we cook to please ourselves, and sometimes to please the kids...the plastic wrapped cheese (or I may even sub velvetta) will make my niece and nephew happy and that in turn will delight me. Thanks MrsL for another "keeper"!
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