Serves a Crowd

Farce "Thanksgiving" très simple

November  2, 2009
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  • Serves Many
Author Notes

When Madam explained to me that we would be having Americans to dine on their holiday called Thanksgiving, I asked her about typical dishes for the day. She had to think for a moment, then said, "la dinde," turkey. A few minutes later she returned to the kitchen to add a detail: "la dinde avec pain farce." The next morning I made my first--and only--Thanskgiving stuffed turkey. —La Bonne Femme

  • 1 large loaf stale country bread
  • Turkey gizzard, neck, trimmings
  • Minced shallot
  • Crushed dried rosemary
  • Lightly toasted chopped hazelnuts (optional)
  1. Make breadcrumbs from the stale bread with a rolling pin. (You may save odd ends of bread over time for this purpose. Herb-flavored breads are particularly good.)
  2. Make a stock from the giblet, neck of the turkey, and any trimmings. Cool slightly.
  3. In a bowl, combine breadcrumbs, minced shallot, crushed dried rosemary (or other favorite herb). Add a good pinch of salt. Ladle warm stock over crumbs. When mixture is like wet sand (able to hold a shape; not loose or soupy), spoon the stuffing into the bird.
  4. Roast turkey normally and remove stuffing to a bowl. Sprinkle lightly toasted chopped hazelnuts over top for service.
  5. (Note: You must remove skin from hazelnuts. An easy method is to gather them straight from the oven into a towel. Fold over and rub with hands. The skins will peel off with no problem.)

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