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Gratin Dauphinois à Lyon (REALLY Rich Potato Gratin!)
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9 Reviews
October 17, 2015
This is going to be the perfect side dish for our Thanksgiving or Christmas! I cannot wait to try it! :)
February 15, 2012
I made this over the weekend. It worked out perfectly and was very delicious. Was fab as a side dish for brunch.
September 24, 2011
You had me at "Lyons" -- among the best food on the planet. Those people really know how to live. Love this recipe!! And saving it for a special occasion. ;o)
September 24, 2011
Antonia: the special occasion will be the day you enjoy it with your friends. ;)
September 24, 2011
I'm with you - I prefer the cheeseless gratins, though the combination of Comté and crème fraîche sound heavenly. And it's very beautiful.
September 24, 2011
Have you had the cheeseless Macaronades in Provence? Crème Fraîche browned on the top. Yum!
September 24, 2011
Yum doesn't come close - more like the head relaxing backward, and an "aaaahhhh" escaping the parted mouth.
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