5 Ingredients or Fewer
Coconut Jumbles
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14 Reviews
November 14, 2015
Just made these....yum! I used salted butter because there was no salt in the recipe, and added 1 tsp. of Mexican vanilla...just because I love vanilla. I also couldn't resist doing a little side adjustment. I took about 1/4 of the dough and added sliced almonds...about 1/3 cup and baked them off. They did not spread nearly as much as the straight coconut cookies, and they tasted divine. I used three different surfaces to cook the cookies...silpat - they spread the most on silpat, parchment - they stayed quite plump, and then a non-stick, dark surfaced cookie sheet....also stayed very plump. The silpat cookies look exactly like your photo. I can see me doing some more experimenting and painting chocolate on the bottoms or dipping one edge in melted chocolate ;>)
Olivia A.
December 18, 2012
I loved them! But I also wish I had tried the full recipe...I thought 90 cookies was 60 too many to try on my first go so I did just a third of the recipe. Imagine my surprise when I got macaroons instead of cookies! Delicious, although not what I had in mind (guess the dough wasn't wet enough?). Also added some crushed candy canes for a holiday appropriate touch.
November 23, 2011
I'm showng my age by knowing the coconut was the sweetened version due to the hand written recipe calling for 1 can of coconut. when I was a kid coconut came 2 ways surrounded by a husk or in a can. There was no way my mother was going to deal with husks and hammers so the can it was.
November 28, 2011
That's hilarious! My favorite part was on the back where my great grandmother had written "good luck" to my mom. That's because she was making these cookies in the days when you had to mix it by hand.
Ms. T.
November 11, 2011
Love the simplicity of these, and I love the photo too! Reminds me of my great-grandmother's handwritten recipe cards. She always skipped steps and ingredients, making it an impossible guessing game to make the cookies as good as hers were! Congrats on the CP :)
November 14, 2011
Thanks! I love all of the handwritten recipes I have from my grandparents and great grandparents. They really allow you to have a tangible way of connecting to your roots.
October 29, 2011
in luv with the photo, have some hand copied recipes handed down to me and luv coconut jumbles, the nyt had a good recipe for them in the magazine section a decade or two ago
October 28, 2011
My mom put together a green binder with all of our family recipes. I am really lucky to have it in my possesion.
October 27, 2011
Love this! I assume you use the sweetened flaked coconut.
October 28, 2011
The recipe said "moist" coconut. I made the assumption by the reference to the 14-16 oz. bag that it was the sweetened flaked coconut. When I tasted them I knew I was right to make that assumption.
October 27, 2011
Aren't those little scraps of paper the most precious things? I love the look of my grandmother's script--so elegant! Great recipe and these will go to the top of my list as well! "saved"
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