Halloween Hot Toddy in a Crockpot
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9 Reviews
November 21, 2011
Hot damn, this is good! And that caramel sauce is divine! I see lots of possibilities for it.
November 22, 2011
Thank you for testing it! I appreciate your kind note! Am I jealous that you got snow already? But at least u have that big blue sky and mountain sun! Keep warm this winter.
November 3, 2011
OOOHH.. this sounds diabolically good!!
November 3, 2011
Thanks Panfusine ! U were on point claiming community picks this afternoon! Congrats on your CP!
October 31, 2011
Yes, those are the actual names. You can find them in any liquor store. The crowds said this was my best batch. I started out years ago with just cider and the Hot Damm! ( cinnamon schnapps).
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