
Meatloaf 101

November 19, 2011
4 Ratings
  • Serves many
Author Notes

This is a basic meatloaf recipe...my mom's meatloaf recipe, plain, simple and covered with bacon. —inpatskitchen

  • 1 pound ground beef chuck
  • 1 pound ground beef sirloin
  • 1 pound ground pork
  • 1 cup diced onion
  • 1 cup dry seasoned bread crumbs
  • 3/4 cup ketchup
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup chopped parsley
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 teaspoons black pepper
  • 8 slices bacon
  1. In a large mixing bowl using clean hands, mix all ingredients except the bacon together until well combined. Refrigerate the mixture for about 2 hours.
  2. Shape the mixture into a large loaf and place in a parchment lined baking pan about 9 x 13 inches. (Parchment for easy clean up)
  3. Place the bacon strips around and on top of the loaf.
  4. Bake, uncovered for about an hour and a half at 350F or until internal temperature reaches 160F.

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Recipe by: inpatskitchen

I think I get my love for food and cooking from my mom, who was an amazing cook. She would start baking and freezing a month before Christmas in order to host our huge open house on Christmas afternoon. I watched and I learned...to this day I try not to procrastinate when it comes to entertaining. My cooking style is pretty much all over the place, although I'm definitely partial to Greek and Italian cuisine. Oh yes, throw a little Cajun in there too!

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