Make Ahead

Walnut Sage Shortbread

December 30, 2011
4 Ratings
  • Makes 20
Author Notes

I love shortbread. And walnuts. And sage. So why not put them all together? These cookies kind of skate on the edge of sweet and savory—a little sugar, a little salt, a little black pepper. They're really easy. And good with champagne!


  • ¼ cup toasted walnuts
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 generous teaspoon of finely chopped fresh sage (5-6 large leaves)
  • ½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
  1. Place toasted walnuts in work bowl of a food processor and pulse till walnuts are the consistency of cornmeal. Add flour, salt, pepper, sugar and sage, and pulse till blended. Add butter; pulse until dough comes together. Shape the dough into a log about 1 1/2 inches in diameter, and wrap with plastic wrap. Chill until firm enough to slice, about 30 minutes or overnight.
  2. Heat oven to 350°F and place a rack in the center of the oven . Line a baking sheet with parchment. Cut the dough log into 1/3- to 1/2-inch-thick rounds; place on sheets. Bake 10 minutes. Reverse sheets front to back. Bake until cookies are golden, about 15 minutes longer. Cool thoroughly on cooling rack.

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17 Reviews

JanetFL June 24, 2014
Trying these! I have sage in my garden and I like the savory aspect very much. Thank you!
drbabs June 24, 2014
I hope you like them!
lapadia May 6, 2014
Delicious shortbread idea, somehow missed them (?) !
drbabs May 6, 2014
Hi Linda, how are you? This is an old recipe that I revived for the walnut challenge. Thanks for commenting-- it's good to see you around here.
lapadia May 6, 2014
Hi Barbara, Happy to hear from you, I pop in now and then, sometimes to add a recipe most times to just see what is going on :)
PRST March 7, 2012
Made these today and was very disappointed. They were very soft, crumbled in your hand and lacked flavor. I even doubled the quantity of sage. I did improvise a bit by adding a topping of finely chopped walnuts, sea salt and sugar that I sprinkled on top and lightly pressed into the rounds. If not for the topping, they would have been a total flop. Any one else have problems?
drbabs March 8, 2012
Hi--I'm so sorry they didn't work for you. We liked them, but then I like shortbread anything. The topping sounds really good, though. I don't have a lot of time for baking right now, but when I do, I'll play around with them and edit the recipe. Thanks for letting me know.
gingerroot January 3, 2012
Yum! I especially love the black pepper in there...
aargersi January 1, 2012
These sound so good! AND - easy enough for the likes of me! I can see them out on the table with cheeses and chutneys and salty cured meats. And pate. And champagne.
hardlikearmour January 1, 2012
Yum! Don't forget to throw some rillettes into the mix!
drbabs January 1, 2012
Now you know what we're having for dinner tonight!
boulangere January 2, 2012
What time is the party?
drbabs January 2, 2012
When can you get here?
mrslarkin December 31, 2011
drbabs January 1, 2012
Thanks, mrslarkin!
hardlikearmour December 30, 2011
Yum! These sound fabulous. I love skating on the edge between sweet and savory - it's a lovely place to be.
drbabs January 1, 2012
Thank you, hla! I like that, too!