Cast Iron
Triple-Fried, Triple Citrus Goose Fat Frites
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3 Reviews
December 6, 2020
From my little kitchen in Montana, USA, I followed this recipe to use a large amount of goose fat obtained from cooking my first goose. The fat was white, clean and fragrant! The Frites were delicious! I especially enjoyed the citrus-salt combination (which I think I'll try sprinkling on fish dishes in the future). I actually cooked the potatoes for 2-5 minutes on the last (375 degrees) fry to get each one crisp and browned. I found I preferred to first dip the frites in a ketchup-horseradish-lemon juice sauce and then into a plate of the citrus-salt mixture. Yum!
January 16, 2012
I'm luckily living in London at the moment, where they actually sell it like it's totally normal to have goose fat in the normal supermarket! Duck fat would totally work. I am pretty sure you can order goose fat online. Here's one I found: Worst comes to worst, vegetable oil of some variety...
January 15, 2012
Wow. These sound amazing. Where do you find goose fat? I have not seen it (though I have not been looking) and I am thinking duck fat could work too?
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