5 Ingredients or Fewer
Homemade Bacon
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8 Reviews
January 26, 2013
Hi. I'd like to use your recipe but with Morton's Tender quick. Any advice as to ratios?
Thanks, Jim.
Thanks, Jim.
November 23, 2012
I made this, using a combination of maple syrup and brown sugar, thyme, salt and pepper, and it was good. I thought I'd rinsed the meat long enough, but it was still a bit salty. No big deal-- I can cut back on the kosher salt next time. For now, I'll simply eat less at each sitting, which means the meat will last longer :)
Ranjith P.
November 6, 2012
In Srilanka now peacefully country and also politically also very stable. Now most of areain Srilanka
Developing from various fields, because of that most of Tourist come to Srilanka as tourists. Now
Specially in eastern and northern area are tourist attraction places, swo that very fastly growing
Touris hotels in that area.
According to some survey they have found most of tourist asking for home made bacon for their
Meals. In Srilanka only two bacon factory make only in small scale. So I also now trying to do make
Home bacon at my home in experimental way. So my idea is improve this industry grand scale for
Local and for tourist. If you can help me to find a place for study how to make perfect home made
Bacon and what are the equipment and raw materials want not available in Srilanka. In otherway
Is there any company or who interested any person come to Srilanka to start this industry as abusiness
That also very easy to do here. Our labour are cheap there lot of pigs farm in Srilanka can find out pigs
For our purpose.
Please consider my proposals and try your level best to do something to me.
Yours faithfully,
Ranjith Punchihewa.
TP.+ 94 81 2240565 & + 77 35 98746
Home add: N076, Lewella Road, Kandy, Srilanka.
Developing from various fields, because of that most of Tourist come to Srilanka as tourists. Now
Specially in eastern and northern area are tourist attraction places, swo that very fastly growing
Touris hotels in that area.
According to some survey they have found most of tourist asking for home made bacon for their
Meals. In Srilanka only two bacon factory make only in small scale. So I also now trying to do make
Home bacon at my home in experimental way. So my idea is improve this industry grand scale for
Local and for tourist. If you can help me to find a place for study how to make perfect home made
Bacon and what are the equipment and raw materials want not available in Srilanka. In otherway
Is there any company or who interested any person come to Srilanka to start this industry as abusiness
That also very easy to do here. Our labour are cheap there lot of pigs farm in Srilanka can find out pigs
For our purpose.
Please consider my proposals and try your level best to do something to me.
Yours faithfully,
Ranjith Punchihewa.
TP.+ 94 81 2240565 & + 77 35 98746
Home add: N076, Lewella Road, Kandy, Srilanka.
August 15, 2012
Is there a way to do this without nitrites or nitrates?
September 12, 2012
Yes! Just skip adding the curing salt. It will turn out just fine. Also, I can't stress enough that you wash the slab bacon THOROUGHLY for several minutes under cold water after it has cured Failure to do so will result in VERY salty bacon.
January 9, 2016
It's risky to skip the nitrates. If you intend to cold smoke (even though this recipe doesn't include cold smoking) definitely do NOT skip the nitrates. Even the bacon that you buy in organic trendy grocery stores has nitrates. They just add celery juice (which has a bunch of sodium nitrate in it) to try and make you think you're buying something without nitrates. The products will be marked as "no nitrates added" which means they aren't adding any nitrates specifically, they are just adding celery juice that is full of nitrates. In fact, the celery juice often contains MORE nitrates than what would be found in your traditionally cured meats. Nitrates prevent the growth of bacteria that produce botulism toxin, one of the deadliest toxins known to man. Cold smoking anything without using them would be stupid.
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