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Malted Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate-Covered Pretzels
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26 Reviews
March 28, 2021
Look up corn syrup. There is nothing wrong with Karo corn syrup. I am guessing that you folks who think you are so informed really don't know that corn syrup is not the same as high-fructose corn syrup. The syrup acts as an important ingredient to reduce the formation of ice crystals in ice cream.
December 20, 2013
I have a quick question - do you mean the malt powder I get from my health food store, or malted milk powder like Ovaltine, carnation etc.? Thanks.
Rebecca C.
December 20, 2013
I did see that Whole Foods carries NOW brand malted milk powder for $8.99/lb whereas any equivalent of Safeway has Carnation for like $4. i looked at the Ovaltine label and its got some junk in it that Carnation doesn't.
December 20, 2013
Yes, it probably means malted milk powder. But there's a big difference between malted milk powder and plain malt. It's probably tasty with either one, just different.
Rebecca C.
December 3, 2013
I haven't made it, yet, (funny how its been on my list for a month or three), but there is no place for corn syrup in David Lebovitz's version of Malted Milk Ice Cream. He usually does a bang up job with homemade ice cream staying reasonable scoopable. Cook's Illustrated loves adding "secret ingredients" like corn syrup or vodka. You could see what happens without it.
December 20, 2013
It's true. I think I will try it with a corn syrup substitute one of these days.
Rebecca C.
December 20, 2013
I got to it and made David Lebovitz's version of malted milk ice cream: cream, half and half, salt, malted milk powder, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and chocolate covered malt balls. AMAZING! i say, take the chance...go corn syrup free for ice cream! Also, on his website he has a helpful write-up on essential uses for corn syrup.
Hilbert M.
August 5, 2014
I made the David Lebovitz version, omitted the pinch of salt, and added chocolate covered pretzels instead of malted milk balls. Very, very good! Creamy and scoopable directly from 0º F. I only needed about 2 oz. of chocolate to cover the pretzels, though.
Kathryn M.
June 10, 2018
Hey Hilber,
Glad you said 2 oz of chocolate would suffice. In that case, you can just cut the butter down to 3/4 teaspoon.
And for all who want to make the equivalent of light corn syrup, or even dark corn syrup, here are the simple formulae and instructions.
Glad you said 2 oz of chocolate would suffice. In that case, you can just cut the butter down to 3/4 teaspoon.
And for all who want to make the equivalent of light corn syrup, or even dark corn syrup, here are the simple formulae and instructions.
Kathryn M.
June 10, 2018
Oh, and I checked out David Lebovitz's corn syrup-less malted milk ice cream. It also looks wonderful. Might have to compare the Lebovitz custard creating technique versus this one, and get back here!
September 8, 2013
This ice cream was delicious!!The consistency was creamy and smooth! Loved it!
June 3, 2013
You had me at chocolate covered pretzels.
June 4, 2013
Thanks DrB! Chocolate covered pretzels are totally one of my 'resistance is futile' foods.
August 24, 2012
I grew up having malt shakes too and I LOVE it!! This is such a great combination of flavors! Which brand of malt powder did you use?
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