
Grilled Oysters

September 25, 2012
1 Ratings
  • Serves 1-3
Author Notes

this is an awesome quick and delicious way to do Oysters great for an appetizer or entree or just a snack will hanging around the grill —Mark winslade

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  • 2 dozen Fresh Oysters, Select, scrubbed and cleaned and open on the half shell
  • 1/4 pound Butter
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped Scallions
  • 3-4 Garlic Cloves, crushed
  • 1 Bottle of Srirachi Chile Sauce
  • 2 Fresh Limes cut into wedges
  • 1 bunch fresh Parsley chooped,
  1. prepare Bbq Grill and get scorching hot …..you can also cook this under the broiler 1. combine Butter, Garlic, and Parsley in a microwaveable container and blast til melted then give it a good stir to mix. about 45 seconds to a minute.... 2. Next place Oysters on the grill and sprinkle the scallions on and spoon the Butter mixture over Oysters and add several drops of Srirachi ,cover and let cook til bubbly and done 6-10 minutes at the most … 3. Carefully remove from grill the shells with the broiled Ovsters they will be scorching Hot !!! do not plates of foam or paper plates... top with additional Srirachi and Lime to taste . 4. Serve with toasty french bread to soak up the yummy juices...
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4 Reviews

Howard December 25, 2022
I made this recipe Christmas morning 2022. (Today)
I had a pint of oysters, so I used the stainless-steel shells I purchased from Amazon.
I followed the recipe except for adding 3 drops of maple syrup to each shell and a dash of Texas Pete.
Thank you Mark Winslade and Merry Christmas.
Mark W. September 25, 2012
Srirachi, Lime and Garlic take Oysters in a whole new direction...........
JanetFL September 25, 2012
Oh yes.....and grilling the oysters! I've shown my friends your recipe and we will be trying it in the near future. Thank you!!!!
JanetFL September 25, 2012
Mark, this sounds delicious.....especially to one who doesn't care for raw oysters!