
Beet Carpaccio with Arugula, Radishes and Grapefruit

December 28, 2012
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  • Serves 6-8
Author Notes

This is a great recipe for those times when you’re feeding a group of people with all kinds of dietary quirks, be it lactose in tolerance, gluten free, vegan, vegetarian or oil free. This salad meets every and all food restrictions including mine, the beet free diet. Because if you don’t want the beets, just take the salad from the on top. —Judy at My Well Seasoned Life

  • 1 Bunch of beets of your liking usually 3-4
  • 1 8 oz. bag of arugula
  • 10 Radishes sliced
  • 1 Ruby red grapefruit
  • 1 Handful sugar snap peasn
  1. Roast beets in 350 oven for 45 minutes or until done. Time depends on how large beets are. Cool beets. While beets cool off.
  2. Slice radishes.
  3. Slice snap peas.
  4. In a medium sized bowl zest grapefruit, next cut away peel and cut sections into bowl. Squeeze the juice from remaining grapefruit pulp into bowl.
  5. Add sliced radishes to bowl. Toss with hands or wooden spoon.
  6. Slice beets using mandolin or your incredible knife skills.
  7. Placed sliced beets on serving dish. Sprinkle a few of the slice peas on top of sliced beets.
  8. Add arugula to bowl with grapefruit and radishes. Toss.
  9. Place on top of sliced beets. Sprinkle with sea salt or salt. Serve.

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