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Spicy Beef and Persimmon Korma
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10 Reviews
February 3, 2016
I'm afraid I found this extremely underwhelming, and a sad end for the last of the season's persimmons. The fruit was all but lost, adding nothing but a vaguely sweet mush that could have been achieved with applesauce. The huge amount of liquid -- easily more than three cups -- produced a watery, brothy texture that took a good 30 minutes to reduce down to a binding consistency. Simmering the yogurt for 10 minutes left it grainy and mildly unpleasant, as will typically happen when yogurt splits. And finally, I found the flavor muddy and dull, with none of the spices shining through (and these spices were super-fresh: I grind my own). I wound up "doctoring" the dish -- I stirred in some lime pickle and also some tamarind paste -- to the point where it's fine, and I don't mind eating it. But all in all, I found it disappointing. Also, I'm afraid the format of the recipe drove me crazy. It's basic recipe convention to list ingredients in the order in which they get used -- a convention this recipe pays no attention to. And while fresh ginger appears in the list of ingredients, there is no direction given for its use (I three mine in shortly after the chilies). Oh, and finally, "cubed" persimmon is kind of useless as a direction -- 5" cubes? 1/4" cubes? I don't mean to be a grouch, but I do feel as though I spent a decent amount of time -- and the LAST OF MY LOVELY PERSIMMONS!!! -- on an uninteresting dish of food.
November 17, 2013
Excellent savory use of persimmons! We loved the flavors of spice with the sweetness of the persimmons. I used one over-ripe Hachima and 3 Fuyu persimmons. It was even better the next day! Thank you for a great recipe!
February 11, 2013
Looks like a wonderful combination of flavors! Congrats on CP. Will try in the fall when persimmons are back on the market. Now that recipes are out of the test stage, you can edit your recipe to add your changes. Click on your name, then the recipe, and under the picture is the EDIT button.
Ginni K.
February 11, 2013
Thank you !! I just edited the recipe ...
Would love to know how you like it when you get a chance to try it
Would love to know how you like it when you get a chance to try it
Ginni K.
January 23, 2013
I blitzed the korma with a hand blender (as I have a fussy eater at home), and added a little bit more salt and some chillies to even out the flavour, and it was even better than the recipe above. I wish I could add this to the recipe now, but its too late. However, I would strongly suggest trying this, its amazing! Even better the next day over a baked potato and some cheese :)
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