5 Ingredients or Fewer
Moscow Mule
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25 Reviews
Jill H.
July 28, 2015
I also use the Fever tree ginger beer (clean with fresh ginger bite). We often do a variation called an Obama Mama (a bartender in St John named it)- use coconut rum instead of vodka, ginger beer & lots of lime - delish!
Chris H.
September 3, 2015
I'd second Fever Tree. Either that or I'd use the ginger beer from "The Ginger People" - it's got a real nice tang to it. I tried some after seeing this: http://www.paykocimports.com/blog/the-best-and-worst-moscow-mule-ingredients/
Stacey B.
October 27, 2014
Wanna try a really really good version of this drink? Make it with REAL ginger beer (the kind that contains alcohol)! If you can find it, try making it with Crabbie's Ginger Beer, either the original or the orange spice...DELICIOUS! (Crabbie's can usually be found at Total Wine stores)
December 20, 2015
Stacey, so glad to see your comment on Crabbie's because that is the only way I've made Moscow Mules or a Dark and Stormy. Ran out and couldn't remember where I purchased my last Crabbie's. Here in Oregon we have State owned Liquor Stores and the guy there said he never heard it being made with alcoholic ginger beer-just the soda kind. The only way I make it! It's not sickly sweet or high in sugars-that I know of???
Starlene R.
July 16, 2014
Bundeberg Ginger beer is fantastic. Also, add a dash or two of bitters to your mule. YUM!!
March 2, 2014
Thanks for info on Buffalo Rock Ginger. Serious Eats also raves about it, stating they thought Vernor's (my go to) was great but Buffalo Rock beats them. Will continue my quest. :-)
Matthew S.
March 1, 2014
If you are in certain areas of the South where it's available, Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale is a good ginger beer proxy. It has some nice "bite" to it.
Nina L.
February 9, 2014
Really like the NO high fructose and lower calories. Thanks for info. Getting real tired of all the unnecessary additives.
February 9, 2014
Fever Tree mixers are terrific! No high fructose corn syrup & fewer calorie too.
Nina L.
January 31, 2014
In Vegas, am searching for all these new Ginger Beers. Been using Vernor's. That is also very good. Time to search web for additional varieties here.
January 31, 2014
For Seattleites (or anyone ready to make an online committment to the best ginger beer you can imagine, there's none better than Rachel's Ginger Beer. Hands down. http://rachelsgingerbeer.com/collections/shop
Carrie J.
November 19, 2013
I like Kettle One and was introduced to it by a NY relative who thinks it's the best.
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