
Green Tea Chirashi (Scattered Rice)

February 18, 2013
1 Ratings
  • Makes 6 to 8 servings
Author Notes

This is an "at home" deconstructed variation on sushi or sashimi, where sushi rice is placed in a bowl or on a plate and topped with seafood and vegetables. I cooked the rice in green tea and also cured the salmon with it, while the shrimp cooked themselves in the hot, sweet tea. Garnish with green onion and cucumber, and serve with a little wasabi and soy sauce if you like. Start 3 days before serving. —inpatskitchen

Test Kitchen Notes

inpatskitchen honors the delicate flavor of green tea here by not overwhelming it with other ingredients. Tea lightly scents the three primary components of the dish, which then join forces with several well chosen garnishes. Thanks to the composed nature of the dish, you can taste -- and enjoy -- each of the ingredients on its own. I look forward to using green tea again for cooking rice, as its subtle, earthy notes quietly make plain rice more interesting. Yes, this one’s a keeper. —AntoniaJames

  • The rice and putting it all together
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 green tea bags, or the equivalent in loose tea
  • 1 1/2 cups sushi rice, rinsed extremely well in cool water
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 5 tablespoons granulated sugar, divided
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1/2 pound peeled and deveined small shrimp (I used 51/60s), thawed if frozen
  • Green tea cured salmon
  • Thinly sliced English cucumber (8 to 10 slices per serving)
  • Wasabi paste for serving (optional)
  • Soy sauce for serving (optional)
  • Green tea cured salmon
  • 1 pound center cut salmon filet, cut into two equal pieces
  • 2 tablespoons sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons crushed green tea leaves
  • 2 tablespoons mirin
  1. The rice and putting it all together
  2. In a small pot, bring the water up to a boil, then add the tea bags. Cover the pot, turn off the heat, and let the tea steep for about ten minutes.
  3. Pour out two cups of the tea and reserve for cooking the shrimp. Add the rice to the pot, stir, bring up to a boil, and then down to a gentle simmer. Let simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the rice is done. Give it a stir once or twice while cooking. Turn off the heat and let the rice rest, covered, for about 10 minutes.
  4. Combine the vinegar, sugar, and salt in a microwaveable vessel and heat on high for about 30 seconds. Transfer the rice to a bowl, stir in the microwaved mixture thoroughly, and let cool completely.
  5. Place the reserved tea in a pot with the remaining 3 tablespoons of sugar and bring to a rolling boil. Add the shrimp, cover the pot, and turn off the heat. Let the shrimp rest in the pot for about one minute and then drain and cool in a small bowl.
  6. For each serving, place about 3/4 cup rice into a bowl or onto a small plate. Surround with 8 to 10 cucumber slices.
  7. Slice the salmon thinly and drape a few slices over the rice. Place a few shrimp between the salmon slices and garnish with the green onion and toasted sesame seeds. Serve the wasabi and soy sauce on the side for dipping.
  1. Green tea cured salmon
  2. Combine the salt, sugar and tea. Lay out an 18-inch piece of plastic wrap on your counter. In the center, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of the curing mixture such that it covers roughly the size of a piece of salmon. Lay one piece of salmon, skin side down, over the mixture. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of the curing mixture over the fleshy side of the fish, and then sprinkle the mirin on top. Lay the fleshy side of the second piece of salmon over that, and then sprinkle the remaining curing mixture over the top. Wrap the fish tightly in the plastic wrap, and place in a dish with sides. Refrigerate the fish for about 3 days, occasionally turning the packet over. (You can certainly weigh the packet down with some cans, but I find it unnecessary.)
  3. Before slicing, rinse the cure off of the salmon.

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Recipe by: inpatskitchen

I think I get my love for food and cooking from my mom, who was an amazing cook. She would start baking and freezing a month before Christmas in order to host our huge open house on Christmas afternoon. I watched and I learned...to this day I try not to procrastinate when it comes to entertaining. My cooking style is pretty much all over the place, although I'm definitely partial to Greek and Italian cuisine. Oh yes, throw a little Cajun in there too!

12 Reviews

LeBec F. December 29, 2015
hi pat, I've been discovering your winning recipes tonight, and this one is so impressive! I certainly plan to try this when it gets warm again! I do have a question. Plse tell us why the sugar in the green tea shrimp poaching liquid? Is it because matcha can be bitter w/o sugar? (I drink mine sweetened, and it was so funny to see the horrified faces of various Japanese hosts when I visited Japan long ago!) Thx for so many inspiring recipes!
inpatskitchen December 30, 2015
Thanks Mindy! I added the sugar to just sweeten the shrimp a bit since it plays against the somewhat saltier salmon. I know it's not standard but I occasionally cook shrimp this way depending on how I'm serving it.
foxeslovelemons March 7, 2013
Congrats on the CP, Pat! I've been nuts for smoked salmon lately, but this tea-cured salmon may have to make an appearance in my kitchen!
inpatskitchen March 7, 2013
Thanks so much foxeslovelemons! I'm a smoked salmon lover also and this is a nice substitute and so easy to do!
BlueKaleRoad February 24, 2013
I am a huge sushi and sashimi fan, Pat! Your recipe with tea sounds fabulous. Curing salmon has been on my list to try for a long time...thank you for the inspiration!
inpatskitchen February 24, 2013
It's so easy Hannah! I usually cure with dill and vodka but the tea and Mirin worked out well. Give it a try!
AntoniaJames February 22, 2013
Such an interesting recipe! Love what you've done here. ;o)
inpatskitchen February 22, 2013
Thanks so much AJ! I love both cured and smoked salmon and figure I'm boosting those antioxidents with the green tea...and I LOVE sushi/sashimi!
EmilyC February 19, 2013
Wow, this is really creative -- love the flavors!
inpatskitchen February 20, 2013
Thanks! An easy way to have your sushi...and I just loved salmon..cured, smoked, grilled, baked....
savorthis February 19, 2013
That looks delicious
inpatskitchen February 19, 2013
Thanks! It really was!