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5 Ingredients or Fewer

Homemade Almond Milk Ideas

June 19, 2021
4 4 out of 5 stars /
2 Ratings4 total ratings /
Photo by James Ransom
  • Makes about 3 ½ cups
Author Notes

Like just about anything else you make at home, almond milk from scratch tastes infinitely better than what you can buy in a box from a store. And it’s so easy! Plus, you can control how thick, and how sweet, and what flavor, of milk you produce. This recipe gives the basic instructions for unflavored, unsweetened almond milk. I’ve posted separately a recipe for vanilla almond milk, with several options for sweetening and adding other flavors. Enjoy!! ;o) —AntoniaJames

What You'll Need
  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • Filtered water (2 cups for soaking + 3½ cups for blending)
  1. Soak the nuts in 2 cups of cold, filtered water at least overnight – 24 hours is even better.
  2. Drain the nuts and put them in a blender with 1 ½ cups of fresh, filtered water.
  3. Blend for 3 minutes on high speed.
  4. Scrape down the sides and add up to 2 more cups of filtered water to the blender. (You can add even more, if you want thinner milk.) Blend for at least another minute.
  5. While the blender is running, place a strainer over a large measuring cup or bowl. Cover the strainer with butter muslin or several layers of medium weave cheesecloth. (Butter muslin can be purchased from cheesemaking suppliers, or at crafts and fabric stores, where it’s called “90 muslin”).
  6. Once blended, pour the almond milk over the strainer. When you start to see a lot of pulp and not much liquid – usually within about 5 minutes – gently use a spoon to push some of the pulp aside so you can pour more milk through.
  7. After about 20 minutes, all told, carefully draw up the edges of the cheesecloth and twist them together as you start to press on the ball of pulp to extract the remaining milk. Take care not to let the pulp ooze out of the edges of the cheesecloth. Squeeze as much milk out as you can.
  8. Wash off your cheesecloth under running water (rinsing it with filtered water), wring it well, and hang it over the edge of a counter or over a chair to dry. You’ll want to use it again!
  9. Pour the milk into a tightly lidded pitcher or jar and refrigerate. It should keep for 3-4 days. If it separates, just give the jar a good shake, or stir it well with a spoon.
  10. Enjoy! ;o)
  11. NB: This recipe can be halved or doubled or tripled.

See what other Food52ers are saying.

  • JJB
  • Dina Moore-Tzouris
    Dina Moore-Tzouris
  • vvvanessa
  • Josh Earl
    Josh Earl
  • inpatskitchen

Recipe by: AntoniaJames

See problem, solve problem. Ask questions; question answers. Disrupt, with kindness, courtesy and respect. ;o)

34 Reviews

Amy April 17, 2021
I like to add a date and bit of vanilla extract. Yum!
JJB June 24, 2014
Thanks Susan for your info! I saw a site that said 40 calories per cup, so I will average all those #s!
JJB June 12, 2014
Any idea on calories per glass? Really delicious! Made panna cotta with this almond milk and it was heavenly!
Laurie March 15, 2014
Almonds from California are NOT raw, by law. Only almonds from Italy are verifiably raw.
Ukes March 17, 2014
Thanks Laurie. I've been using the non-roasted almonds and they've been working fine. I don't think I need real raw almonds as what I'm using does work. I love this recipe and have been drinking almond milk often since discovering it - it's so much better than store bought stuff!
Regine April 17, 2021
What Laurie means, I believe is that almonds from California are nuked (microwave style, I would think). So technically, they are not raw, although they appear the same and behave the same way in cooking. The issue is about health.
Ukes March 6, 2014
Hi Antonia,
Are the almonds they sell at Costco raw? It's not listed as raw or roasted and I was at Safeway and they had a "raw" almond that looked just like the ones they have at Costco which look roasted to me as they were both deep brown in color. How can I tell if the almond is raw? At Whole Foods they sell a raw almond that is not that deep brown color but more light brown that does look raw but it's more pricey. Any thoughts?
AntoniaJames March 6, 2014
Ukes, I don't know if they are or not, as I don't shop at Costco. Some raw almonds have somewhat darker skin. Also, sometimes on the packaging on the back, where they have the "ingredients" listed, companies will say "raw," but the best way to find out is to ask someone in the store. They should be able to look it up in their system. Also, my hunch is that if they were toasted, the packaging would say, "toasted," but again, I don't have any personal knowledge about this. I suppose you could ask the Food52 Hotline, too. There are a lot of Food52 members, from what I can tell, who shop at Costco. (I don't.) ;o)
Ukes March 6, 2014
Thanks Antoinia! A couple of other folks answered that it is raw - I had posted it on the Food52 Hotline as well. Thanks again - I can't wait to try this soon!
teiko October 7, 2013
I have used the ground nut pulp for coating fish with herbs and spices which works very well. I have also been experimenting with replacing some of the flour in my cookie recipes with the nut remains. I grind the nut pulp in my spice grinder to a flour consistency. So far so good. I make both almond and hazelnut milk, so have both nut flours.
AntoniaJames February 3, 2014
Teiko, what a great idea, using the nut pulp to coat fish! I'm definitely going to try that, soon -- as well as using it in cookie recipes. Thank you so much. ;o)
Dina M. October 4, 2013
Dear Antonia James, You have changed my life. For the better. This is so simple and easy--I've never bought from the store since trying this months ago. I just keep a base going in the fridge at all times. Thank You!
AntoniaJames October 7, 2013
Wow, Dina. I'm really thankful that you posted this note. Figuring out how to make my own fresh almond milk changed my life, too, in the same way, which is why I was so eager to write the post on the method, and to post the recipe. I just made a fresh batch this morning! My heartfelt thanks, too, to the Food52 team for giving me the chance to contribute, and for putting the time and effort into taking the photos and editing my copy. ;o)
Debbie E. September 22, 2013
I had to find an alternative to milk when a blood test revealed what was making me so ill... all dairy products. I have been amazed at what nuts can do! I use this recipe about twice per week and I have my own little love affair with it! It's just wonderful, and I am saving a significant amount of money by making my own. I began to find incredibly delicious ways to use the nut pulp, and now I sometimes wish I had more of that! Hummus, freezer brownies (those were so good that hubby and I both crave them!!), and I am experimenting with making a frosting. I am seeing that you can do so many things with the pulp, that it's exciting to keep trying new things. What fun I am having. So grateful for the Vitamix I got for my birthday.
Thank you, Antonia for the recipe! I have made the vanilla recipe several times, and love that , too. I just read some of your other flavor ideas in the post below. Can't wait to try those! I'll tell you, I was feeling very blue when I found that I couldn't consume dairy any more, and now I hardly ever miss it. However, If someone figures out how to make a great feta cheese without dairy , let me know!!!
AntoniaJames October 7, 2013
Thank you, Debbie! I also find that I do much better not consuming dairy, which I did on a regular basis for most of my life until I realized that my other allergies (plants, dust) are so much easier to manage when I consume almost no dairy. (I say "almost no" dairy because I do indulge in a touch of cheese, or a mouthful of vanilla ice cream with pie on very special occasions.)
Would love to see your recipe for freezer brownies using the pulp! I still haven't integrated the pulp into other areas of my kitchen routine. (Typically, I just plop a big spoonful into my almond milk-based fruit smoothies.) Thanks so much. ;o)
Debbie E. October 7, 2013
It was fun to get a response from you. Very interesting that you have had less trouble with your other allergies after staying away from dairy. I hadn't thought of it, but I would have to say the same it true here. I just though it was an "easy allergy" year! Ha ha! I, too, can have a rare dairy treat without any dire consequences. I had been eating it EVERY day, and found out it truly was the culprit with the problems with my stomach. Funny you should mention it, because I had a scoop of delicious vanilla ice cream just last week, and I was fine. I wouldn't do it again the next day, though!
As for using the Almond Pulp, I am becoming one of those people you read about who want to make their Almond Milk because they want the pulp!!! As I said, it makes a beautiful, creamy hummus. But the big winner around here is the brownies or fudge. I will give credit to whom it is due. This is from the website, The Rawtarian.
Here it is:
She calls it fudge. It is like flourless brownies. It is an extraordinarily flexible recipe, which takes minutes to put together. I have used walnuts when I didn't have cashews, I have used maple syrup when I was low on honey, and once I had run out of coconut, and they still turned out fantastic. Favorite addition: cocoa nibs!!! Especially when I do use the coconut, and there is already more of a texture to the mixture. Those nibs are just heavenly in there. If you want, adjust the sweetness up just a bit to offset the nibs. Have fun with it! Once you make these, you will probably find yourself making them whenever you have almond nut pulp. It just so happens that ONE recipe of Almond Milk gives you exactly enough pulp to make this recipe. They are VERY moist and should be stored in the freezer. Oh, I also use an extra dark cocoa powder and a bit more of it than she calls for, but that is our personal preference! Thanks for asking!
vvvanessa August 29, 2013
I just used this milk in a creamy broccoli-leek soup that I made on the fly. I liked it even better than cow milk because the soup didn't taste overly milky. Good thing I made a double batch so I still had some left for drinking straight. Thanks for the great recipe!
AntoniaJames October 7, 2013
Yes, vvvanessa, I find that dairy milk makes for a much lighter, though still luscious result in creamed veggie soups. Thank you for sharing this insight! ;o)
yumbunny July 14, 2013
Don't believe I have ever had such a 'relationship' with a recipe in the past. We continue to learn more about each other and grow our love:) The 2nd time, I made it IN ORDER TO HAVE the NUT PULP for HUMMUS (legumes are a no-no in my diet). This 3rd time, I did so for the milk and the hummus. SUGGESTION: there is no Vitamix in my immediate future so I made it in two batches...BUT, instead of pouring it into a bowl, at each stage, I just lined a large PITCHER with the nut-bag and it makes every thing downright easy with all the pouring back and forth. Love you, love this, thanks!
AntoniaJames October 7, 2013
yumbunny, thanks so much for your comment. You are so kind. Would love to hear about how you make hummus with the pulp! Do tell, please. ;o)
anichila April 28, 2013
About to make this for the 2nd time. Didn't even strain it since a 24 hour soak and a vitamix blend broke the almonds down so well.
AntoniaJames October 7, 2013
anichila, that's useful to know about the Vitamix and the long soak. Thanks for your post! ;o)
teiko April 12, 2013
this is a the greatest nut milk recipe. I have also been using other nuts as well. saving the nuts grounds, drying in the oven and plan to use in my pastries and coatings for fish and meats.
turning my friends into making their own nut milks, so superior to the store shelf milks.
AntoniaJames October 7, 2013
Thanks so much, teiko. How did that turn out, drying the pulp and using to coat fish? I'm thinking that cashew pulp in particular would be fantastic for this purpose. (We pan fry fish a lot for use in roti wraps. What a great way to add some flavor and texture!) Thanks again for posting this comment. ;o)
Poodleranch March 24, 2013
Any information about how much fat is in the milk from 1 cup of almonds? I sort of assume its healthy.... I'm making ths every week now and seem to be the only one at my house drinking it. It's so good! I can't wait until summer to have some ice cold on a hot afternoon!
Grace M. March 15, 2013
This is simply the best almond milk I have ever tasted. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe.
Josh E. March 10, 2013
Any tips for adding flavors? i.e. anything work particularly well for you?
AntoniaJames March 12, 2013
I posted a separate recipe for making vanilla milk with a piece of vanilla bean. Or you can add a teaspoon or so of vanilla extract. I recently made the most delicious masala chai flavored almond milk by soaking the almonds in masala chai (just the brewed leaves and spices, no milk or sugar added) and then blending the nuts with fresh cooled masala chai. Sensational! (I've been meaning to post that as a separate recipe. I'll do so when I have more time.) I've added cardamom and nutmeg with dates for a sweet, flavored chai. I added finely ground anise seed + lemon zest + honey. I made pistachio milk with cardamom that was heavenly. Sometimes I add a pinch of cinnamon and the tiniest dusting of nutmeg . . . . ;o)
Josh E. March 14, 2013
I saw your vanilla almond milk recipe after I posted this, thanks for the other ideas though, they sound fantastic!
Rena February 23, 2013
A bonus is that you can spread out the solids on a cookie sheet, and bake in a very slow oven until dry. The resulting almond meal can be used to sprinkle on salads (great on kale salad) or instead of bread crumbs to coat chicken or fish.
AntoniaJames March 12, 2013
Great idea, Rena! Will have to remember that, especially to use it as a coating for fish. I'm still hoping to figure out how to use the pulp in macaroons and German cinnamon star cookies. ;o)
inpatskitchen February 22, 2013
Oh AJ I just love this..I love almond milk and this seems so easy and versatile. Thanks so much!
AntoniaJames February 22, 2013
If kept in a cold fridge, it should last 3, maybe four days. One of the reasons I love making my own is that I can make a smaller batch, which will all be used before it starts to turn. And yes, soft (not crunchy) almonds will do just fine, as long as they taste good! You're soaking them, so it should not make any difference. ;o)
ChattanoogaChef February 22, 2013
How long will the milk keep? Also, I bought some almonds recently that seem stale (aren't very crunchy) Would it work to use them for almond milk?

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