Strawberry Dessert Pot Pies with Sugar Cookie Lid
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15 Reviews
August 10, 2013
Haven't seen the peach version yet. Have you done it? Peaches are in prime season here
Mandy @.
August 11, 2013
Oh yes! I've uploaded the recipe on food52, and also on my blog: http://www.ladyandpups.com/2013/07/17/peach-mascarpone-pot-pie-ginger-molasses-cookie-lid-eng/
I made it in "large" version, but you can always do it in a smaller ramekin like the first version :)
I made it in "large" version, but you can always do it in a smaller ramekin like the first version :)
June 12, 2013
Wow. Made this tonight and wish I'd made more so I could keep eating it. It was so delicious and I know I'll make it all summer long with different fruits as they come in season. Can't wait to make it with raspberries.
Mandy @.
June 13, 2013
Laurelb, I'm so glad you like you! I'm waiting for the peach season to do a brown sugar/bourbon/peach filling with maybe like a ginger/oatmeal cookie dough!
June 3, 2013
The filling sounds as wonderful as the topping. How can you go wrong with creme fraiche? I love the ramekins also - great presentation!
June 2, 2013
I don't have ramekins. Can this be made like a pie?
Mandy @.
June 3, 2013
Jade, yah I suppose with a shallower pie pan? Just make sure that the cookie-lid fills the top.
Mandy @.
June 3, 2013
Jade, if you do, get smallers ones rather than large. This way you get a good ratio of the fillings and the cookie lid. Peaches would be a nice alternative.
May 31, 2013
This sounds like a great idea! I'm already thinking of different versions to adapt it with too...
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