A Cup of Coffee Barbecue Sauced Steak
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22 Reviews
June 8, 2013
Just sent this to my daughter in Geneva because it has come so highly recommended and it is summer here. Her recent photos shows that she has her big BBQ operating on her big balcony and she is choosing to get into that casual way of entertaining during the summer there. I have saved it for me too when warm weather returns to my part of the world.
May 24, 2013
Congratulations Bevi on the CP! Such a great combination of tastes.
May 26, 2013
I really hope you try it. BKR, Suzanne, and Lapadia all made the sauce and tweaked to their liking. You can play with the citrus and the type of coffee you use.
May 26, 2013
Although I do not have a grill, I can make your sauce Bevi and use it to marinate steaks or any kind of meat for searing or roasting; and I will definitely do it soon and report to you.
May 4, 2013
I am not a coffee drinker but I absolutely love coffee-flavored foods and this recipe used ingredients I had on hand. The grilled steaks were awesome; the coffee created a dark flavorful sauce with the tang of citrus and heat from the ancho chile. This sauce would be good with baked beans, chilies, stews, glazes…I added a garlic clove and am thinking of adding a touch of my chocolate vinegar to the leftover portion. Yum!
May 4, 2013
So smart to steep the chile in the coffee! As intriguing, it looks like it comes together in a snap. Best of all, all ingredients are pantry staples! Beautifully done for bbq season!
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