Coffee-Crusted Barbecue Beef Ribs (With a Versatile Rub)
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21 Reviews
Stu F.
October 2, 2021
I will try this seasoning but not the method for two reasons. the first is: this is way too much cook time for ribs, and if you’ve already oven seared them, it’s not really necessary to cook at two temps-you could cook them at 220 the whole way. The other reason I wouldn’t cook them that long is because they are ribs. Your guests would want to enjoy them on the bone. That’s the whole point. Ribs should not “fall off the bone” - they should be tender and the fat should be rendered enough but they should be a bit “al dente” I.e., you should be able to pick them up and bite them off the bone easily - but not too easily. That’s how rib people like ribs.
July 22, 2021
I cannot believe how easy these ribs were to make AND how flavorful and delicious they are. Followed the recipe exactly. Checked on the ribs after 4 hours at 220 and they were perfect...tender and falling off the bone.
April 26, 2020
Delicious ribs! Not having time to slow cook, after searing them in oven I tossed them in Instant Pot, added some beer and brown sugar and they were amazing!
April 26, 2020
Delicious ribs! Not having time to slow cook, I tossed them in Instant Pot, added some beer and brown sugar and they were amazing!
February 15, 2015
Made these today - our grocer had a sale on prime rib and so because they were also selling the roasts with bones removed beef ribs were on sale (lucky us!). What a great recipe - very very close to the beef ribs I love at a local craft beer bar. I made a homemade ketchup based BBQ sauce with some of the leftover rub and this was a perfect compliment to the ribs (and close to what they serve at the resto). What a winner. The only bad thing is the time they take - and the fact that the beefy smell in the house while they cook will drive you mad all day!!!
Mandy @.
February 15, 2015
Shana, so glad you enjoyed it!! I actually just throw the ribs in the oven then go to sleep. Then yes, waking up to the insane beefy smell the next day makes you wanna eat them for breakfast... which is to say... what's wrong with that? :)
Brian M.
December 7, 2014
I made these the other day, and they are wonderful! I have never tried beef ribs before. This is a keeper!
Alice A.
November 6, 2014
Coffee with barbecue???? Which I've never done before. Looks so tempting and can't wait to try this recipe.tvm.
September 25, 2014
These look absolutely delicious! Going to make them this Sunday with a Caribbean cold slaw. Thanks so much.
victoria S.
September 24, 2014
Could you suggest some sides with the ribs?
Mandy @.
September 25, 2014
Victoria, the ribs itself are pretty rich, I some cooling cold slaw is always welcome. Slice them in chunks and sandwich between rye bread and mustard is also great.
September 24, 2014
How is it possible that I did not see this before? Thank God for the Wildcards, as it helped me discover it. And of course, congratulations!!! I am really excited about making this dish.
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