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PB & C (Peanut Butter and Cheese) Cookies
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5 Reviews
February 19, 2014
How did it work out? The Cooks Illustrated recipe I based this on specifies non-natural peanut butter it contains more sugar, molasses etc. which won in the peanut butter cookie taste test.
How did it work out? The Cooks Illustrated recipe I based this on specifies non-natural peanut butter it contains more sugar, molasses etc. which won in the peanut butter cookie taste test.
January 17, 2014
The question really is, why does it matter in the recipe (or does it?) Because if it doesn't matter, why would one specify it? I hereby commit myself to try it both ways.
January 16, 2014
I'm never sure if we can mention brand names on here by "non-natural" I meant a typical commerical peanut butter that you would find in every grocery store, Skippy, Jif etc.
I'm never sure if we can mention brand names on here by "non-natural" I meant a typical commerical peanut butter that you would find in every grocery store, Skippy, Jif etc.
January 9, 2014
These look great! Before I plunge in, I'd like to know what is "not natural" peanut butter, and why is it required? On the supermarket shelf there are "natural" labels on all sorts of peanut butter, with and without added ingredients. There are no "not natural" labels. Help me understand, please.
July 5, 2013
Thanks for the feedback Maria Sumner! I'm glad you liked them. I agree, you probably could 1/2 the amount of the cheesy stuff. I should have said approximately 1/8 tsp. as I usually eyeball it by putting in enough cheesy stuff til it just goes over the indent. Usually there's some left over which is delicious to use to spread on crackers.
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