St. Clement's Orange and Lemon Cookies
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25 Reviews
December 20, 2014
Antonia just wanted to say thanks for the recipe, made these this afternoon and they are wonderful. The dough was a bit sticky, just put it in the refrigerator as you suggested. And the zest sugar was VERY wet, although I made it before let it absorb aromas and citrus oils. That it did ! Daubed it on instead of sprinkling. great holiday cookies, citrus is always so refreshing.
December 22, 2014
You're welcome and thank you for your kind words. I'm so glad you liked them, emcsull! ;o)
December 1, 2014
how long would you think one could keep these ? I am fixin' to make an assortment of different cookies and wanted to start a week or two before christmas.
December 1, 2014
After baking, they hold for 5 or 6 days, but are best within 4. You can make the dough and refrigerate, tightly wrapped, up to three days ahead of time. Hope this helps! ;o)
Ms. T.
November 11, 2011
Congrats on the EP! These sound delicious and delicate and I LOVE your head notes.
October 27, 2011
I am going to have to break out the cookie cutters now...thanks for the note that the dough keeps--perfect for just cooking a mini batch.
November 11, 2011
Thanks so much, lorigoldsby! You can also make them by rolling the chilled dough in balls, then in sugar, then flattening, for a less festive cookie, if you want. ;o)
October 24, 2011
THese are amazing - what everyone else says and then some! The picture is just wonderful too!
October 20, 2011
These are just beautiful, AJ! I mean the photo as well as the recipe.
November 11, 2011
Thanks, HLA. Hard to believe I posted this one nearly two years ago . . . one of my first recipes here. This was the photo in which I discovered yet another good use for my century-old matte black Steinway. ;o)
June 25, 2011
Can't wait to make these. I have never heard of flavored sugars. Please please tell me, they sounds wonderful especially for these and other sugar cookies. Thanks!
June 28, 2011
Thank you so much! Yes, the sugar and zest combination is perfectly delightful. It gives a nice boost of bright flavor to any cookie, or cupcake, or cake, or cheesecake . . . though with the latter, and many butter based frostings, the brilliant color of orange zest in particular can bleed a bit, so test well in advance!! ;o)
December 17, 2010
My three year old and I just made these for Christmas cookies! They were super easy to handle and taste great! Thanks for the recipe and Merry Christmas!
December 17, 2010
I'm so glad to hear that! I have a batch of this dough, patiently waiting in my refrigerator for me to roll it out and bake it up. Thank you for your kind words, and I hope you have a very, very Merry Christmas. And with a three year old, I have no doubt that it will be!! ;o)
December 19, 2009
Ooops. I forgot to mention when you add the dry ingredients. At the end of Step 2, please insert this: Whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt and add them to the creamed mixture of butter, sugar, etc. But you all knew that, right? ;o) Also, flours differ in the amount of moisture that's in them so the 2 c. is approximate. You might need more, but you want to avoid adding too much; otherwise the cookies can get tough and taste a little flat. It's best to chill the dough, even if it seems too wet, before adding more flour. Have fun!!
Maria T.
December 19, 2009
Yes, definately a fabulous recipe, beautifully decorated and great photo. Oh, if I had the time these would be made and put in celophane whraps for xmas gifts. And I already have my flavoured sugars. The problem is that I have already put them in Christmas gifts for the family. Somebody is going to be missing one little jar if I have the time to bake them before Christmas.
December 17, 2009
These look so delicious!! I love citrus icing.
December 17, 2009
Thank you. I love citrus icing, too. I'm going to play around with an alternative tomorrow. My younger son is coming home from school in CT and I'm going to make up another batch of these. Stay tuned . . . . . ;o)
December 17, 2009
These look like they would be just to my taste. Really festive, too. Mmmmmm.
December 17, 2009
Thanks! They are really tasty, too, and almost surprising when you bite into them -- you see what looks a bit like a sugar cookie, but you sink your teeth into one, and you smell and taste that zest and fresh juice.
December 16, 2009
Thank you!, Ladies! I love these not only because lemon and orange taste so good together, but also because lemons and oranges are just in season in mid-December, when the days here are so short, and the weather can consistently be bleak and cold. Oranges and lemons give us a boost of bright flavor and happy colors, right when we need them most!
Kelsey B.
December 16, 2009
This is a great idea. I sometimes add citrus extract, or lemon juice to my spritzer cookies. I love the citrusy taste during the holidays. I love the way you put the zest and sugar on the top of these too, it is so attractive and flavorful. how I wish Meyer lemon trees grew in NYC!! :)
Loves F.
December 16, 2009
These are a beautiful & simple take on the traditional cutout cookie! They remind me of the lemony sugar cookies my Hungarian grandma sends every Christmas!
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