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Blackberry Jello Fluff
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16 Reviews
November 21, 2023
My mom would make this with Cool-Whip, sliced frozen sweetened strawberries, and strawberry jello. When I got old enough to cook, I tried it with raspberry jello and frozen raspberries. At the time, my family thought I was some kind of fancy gourmet pastry chef.
August 16, 2021
There is another rather delightful version of this I learned which instead of cream involves whipped evaporated milk and lemon jello whipped to a froth together with additional lemon juice and sugar (if I made it now I would omit the added sugar); it is served with a sort of pseudo graham cracker crust which is sprinkled on top. I never knew you could whip evaporated milk before I learned this dessert (honestly I thought about using cream instead but that seemed to betray its origins). I remain a fan of red jello especially as an invalid food though I'm always looking for ways to cut the sweet; sometimes I will use half a pack of jello mixed with additional unflavored gelatin and tea (sometimes a flavored tea to go with the jello flavor; peach tea, strawberry or lime). I also have enjoyed jello whipped with a tub of yogurt.
December 17, 2015
My mom's version of this used canned grapefruit. It was delicious. this is like a Fool. I haven't thought of tis in years. I wonder how it would work with frozen berries, as fresh berries aren't in season right now. Frozen berries have quite a bit of juice to begin with. Perhaps letting them thaw and drain, using the juices. then lightly blending the fruit to medium chop. I like the seeds and skins, so I wouldn't want to remove. Finally, Mom would let the gelatin w/fruit get to about medium set, then fold in the whipped cream. spoon into martini glasses. Garnish with a little grated candied ginger and a mint leaf. Then refrigerate util time for dessert. We only ever saw this when she had a dinner party a couple of times a year. It was the only dessert she made!
July 8, 2013
My son is gluten and dairy free. There is a wonderful whipping cream substitute I use for making ice cream for him and other desserts, it's called MimiCreme. It's made from almond and pecan milks and stands up to heat and other processes. He loves berries and I'm always looking for new treats for him. Jello has been very difficult as he also is sensitive to artificial dyes. I am excited about this recipe for him! Thank you
July 7, 2013
Anyone old enough to remember jello molds with cottage cheese in them? Maybe some shredded carrots too? YUCK! Will definitely have to try this recipe. I can't stand Cool Whip or anything in a tub like that. Blah!!
Laura K.
July 7, 2013
The Mess dessert is not supposed to have structure. A meringue is a flattened when spooned or piped out any way, and the point of a "Mess" is to have it all broken up together after it's presented with the parts assembled!
July 7, 2013
I'm a fan of whipped cream vs Cool Whip, too. Here's an odd question: How would it work if I used Rediwhip as the whipped cream instead of taking the time and using full fat cream from scratch. Just a thought. Aside from dispensing HOW MANY cans, I wonder if Rediwhip would stand up. Thx.
Renee G.
July 3, 2013
My mom used softened vanilla ice cream instead of cool whip! Wow! I haven't thought of this in a long time. I will try your version for sure!
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