5 Ingredients or Fewer

Apricot Jam

July  4, 2013
1 Ratings
  • Serves a crowd
Author Notes

I love spring/summer for all the fresh fruits we get to eat! I saw these beautiful apricots at Whole Foods and grabbed a few hoping to make a chutney. I was planning a dinner party with some friends so I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone, I put together a cheese platter just so I could use my new cheese board I got as a birthday gift last year and I made apricot jam instead of chutney to go with the cheese. —themessimake.com

  • 9 apricots - peeled and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 - 2 cups sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon grated ginger (optional)
  1. In a heavy bottom pan, mix all the ingredients on medium heat.
  2. Once it starts simmering, turn down the heat to bring it to a low simmer.
  3. Stir frequently and cook until the apricots are soft and the mixture starts looking and feeling like jam..this can take about 30-45 minutes. I wanted a smooth texture so I used a potato masher to break down the apricot chunks.
  4. Let it cool and store in a class jar. This should be good for several days. I don’t have the special canning jars but if you do, feel free to use those and the jam will last for a longer time.

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1 Review

babswool August 7, 2018
I gave this five stars because the ginger just made this recipe special and delicious. I didn't have apricots so I used peaches which are close enough. But I love apricot jam and would definitely make this just as the recipe says (with ginger - not optional) if I can find fresh apricots where I live.