Make Ahead

Red Sangria

August 23, 2013
10 Ratings
Photo by James Ransom
  • Cook time 3 hours
  • Serves 4 to 6
Author Notes

Sangria is very much a not-recipe kind of drink -- throw things together, let them mingle, drink -- but if you need a bit more of a guide, here it is! You're free to use whatever fruit your heart desires. —Kenzi Wilbur

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  • 1 bottle of mid-range red wine
  • 1/2 cup liquor (I like a mix of brandy and orange liqueur, like Triple sec -- and you're welcome to use a bit more than 1/2 cup)
  • 2 peaches, sliced (or swap for something seasonal)
  • 1/2 cup strawberries, sliced (or swap for something seasonal)
  • 1 lemon, scrubbed and sliced
  • 2 tablespoons sugar, or to taste (optional)
  • Sparkling water
  1. Mix the wine with the liquor, add fruit and lemon slices, and add sugar to taste. (Or leave it out entirely.) Put in the fridge for up to a day and at least a few hours.
  2. Fill glasses with ice, add sangria (making sure to get a piece or two of fruit in each glass), and top off with sparkling water.

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14 Reviews

Stephanie F. July 13, 2015
The carafe is the Alba carafe by Roost. You can purchase it from Seven Colonial. They are wonderful to work with.
patricia M. February 9, 2014
I like to use chopped apples and grapes,instead of sugar apple juice,or white grape juice
Cheyenne P. February 9, 2014
For those of us ranting and ravingnover the beautiful carafe, I found it (and others like it) at world market!
Laramadeline February 9, 2014
Didn't see it online, in store only?
Kristen G. January 4, 2014
May I know put the wine and fruits in 'what' in the fridge? Carafe or pot? Cover or don't have to cover?
Kenzi W. January 5, 2014
I'd cover, and you can put it in whatever you have!
Stephanie G. August 31, 2013
i am out of brandy...what about St. Germaine?
Kenzi W. September 1, 2013
J.B. August 28, 2013
Thanx Kenzi it was not easy to find on a search.
J.B. August 27, 2013
Yesterdays comment must have gotten lost, but the sangria is superb. But, why isn't that carafe sold in Provisions?
Kenzi W. August 28, 2013
It is!
Laramadeline December 30, 2013
Anybody know where to get the carafe? Not on Provisions anymore :(
Kirsten February 5, 2014
Yeah, I love the carafe too. Where?!?
Alice February 10, 2014
I looked at this recipe just for the carafe :) a quick Google search found some beautiful ones from a Swedish company called Sagaform check it out!