Lemony Roasted Chicken Soup with Rosemary Croutons
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6 Reviews
November 12, 2014
checked on line about the possibility of dry roasting cooked grains. new to me. nothing there. i often dry roast grains BEFORE cooking them, but this recipe confounds me. i do hope the recipe offer weighs in on this one & offers clarification. thanks.
November 13, 2014
Hi Eliza! Sorry for the confusion - I had cooked grains on hand, so I tossed them into a non-stick skillet without any fat added, and just toasted them that way. That was just to add a bit more nutty toasty flavor - you could just add them straight to the soup too, if you don't want to mess with that step.
November 13, 2014
Thanks for the clarification, Abbie. Without cooked grains on hand, I cooked two of the three while the other ingredients were doing their thing. Let them cool on a plate, while the chicken cooled, stirred them around in a dry stainless steel skillet (no non stick cookware in our house -- teflon too toxic, haven't tried the new non stick pans made of ceramic). Enriched the broth with bouquet garni & roasted garlic. Topped the finished soup with lemon olive oil -- heightening the lemon flavor. Chili flakes add pizazz. Good medicine for this sick cat!
November 12, 2014
hmm. need more detailed instructions about the grains. cook them first then "dry roast"? i have an inkling the process entails cooking three different grains, then toasting them in a dry skillet. is this even close? i'm going to try this soup with one grain since cooking three means three times the number of steps. i added a whole head of garlic in the roasting process. & covered the vegetable in thyme sprigs from the garden. kitchen smells like medicine.
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