Spätzle with Sage Butter, Parmesan, and Toasted Hazelnuts
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14 Reviews
Michael W.
September 5, 2024
I want to know the recipe for Alfredo's Pasta, If you know please share it with me.
September 27, 2020
This was my first attempt at spaetzle, and it was completely successful! Such fun to make. I doubled the recipe except for the butter, added a little black pepper. Wonderful with braised cabbage and schweinebratton.
November 2, 2014
This recipe reads like a piece of heaven. I love spatzle, and have been recently fantasizing about making them myself... Thanks for giving me the boost!
October 26, 2014
Having lived in Germany - specifically in Swabian area - I love spatzle! I've never tried to make it and now I will - this sounds delicious.
October 22, 2014
The latest and greatest in "spätzle technology" is this: http://www.spä
I'm not sure if this is available in the states but it sure works great.
Any other method is good too - the main thing is to eat a lot of spätzle ;-)
I like the herbed spätzle versions too, any combination of finely chopped herbs just added to the dough works well.
I'm not sure if this is available in the states but it sure works great.
Any other method is good too - the main thing is to eat a lot of spätzle ;-)
I like the herbed spätzle versions too, any combination of finely chopped herbs just added to the dough works well.
October 21, 2014
Making spätzle is a lot of fun! I use a spätzle maker like this one
rather than a press or any of the other many hacks that people use. It's one more gadget in a busy kitchen, but like I said--a lot of fun! Great looking recipe, célineismoi!
rather than a press or any of the other many hacks that people use. It's one more gadget in a busy kitchen, but like I said--a lot of fun! Great looking recipe, célineismoi!
August 28, 2022
That's the basic technique my Swiss grandmother used; she just piled the batter up on a spatula and scraped it off with a knife. I have a spätzle maker but half the time I don't bother with it and use Grandma's method.
October 21, 2014
I like your idea of combining italian ingredients with traditional german food. That sounds delicious.
However i have to make one point : Spätzle ( are a southern German traditional dish, not Austrian.
They are swabian to be precise ;-) We Swabians are very proud of this "invention" and love to tell the world about it.
My recipe is a bit more tadional and old fashioned, it uses more eggs and no milk (never heard of milk in Spätzle)
I will definately try your italianish version though!
However i have to make one point : Spätzle ( are a southern German traditional dish, not Austrian.
They are swabian to be precise ;-) We Swabians are very proud of this "invention" and love to tell the world about it.
My recipe is a bit more tadional and old fashioned, it uses more eggs and no milk (never heard of milk in Spätzle)
I will definately try your italianish version though!
October 21, 2014
While I have definitely used more traditional recipes in the past, this is the recipe I have found that works best for me. Perhaps I just lack the spätzle making gift ;)
I was aware of spätzle's origins long before moving to Austria and did not mean to give the impression that they are uniquely Austrian. Austria is simply the first place I lived where they were widely available, but regardless, it is completely legitimate to spread the word about their provenance - I would be proud if we had invented spätzle too!
I was aware of spätzle's origins long before moving to Austria and did not mean to give the impression that they are uniquely Austrian. Austria is simply the first place I lived where they were widely available, but regardless, it is completely legitimate to spread the word about their provenance - I would be proud if we had invented spätzle too!
December 8, 2016
Correction of the correction (how german can you get...;-) )
Nowhere did I say that celineismoi claimed spätzle to be austrian (read what I said not what...).
What I did say was that "Spätzle" are a swabian traditional dish - the swabians made up the word for it. "Spätzle" are a (major) swabian specialty.
In 2012 the European Union gave them status as a swabian specialty with a protected origin like some cheeses (if you can read German:
There are countless versions of boiled-in-salted-water-dough called any number of things. I'll spare us repeating all those. Those are lovely and different and special and worth a try, all of them. Some people even call those Spätzle (spatzle or spatzel in the US).
And again, I love the approach to italianize a traditional swabian (because of the NAME: Spätzle ) dish . Its lovely and tastes a bit like the gnocchi I like to make - an italian version of a swabian classic, thank you celineismoi!
Nowhere did I say that celineismoi claimed spätzle to be austrian (read what I said not what...).
What I did say was that "Spätzle" are a swabian traditional dish - the swabians made up the word for it. "Spätzle" are a (major) swabian specialty.
In 2012 the European Union gave them status as a swabian specialty with a protected origin like some cheeses (if you can read German:
There are countless versions of boiled-in-salted-water-dough called any number of things. I'll spare us repeating all those. Those are lovely and different and special and worth a try, all of them. Some people even call those Spätzle (spatzle or spatzel in the US).
And again, I love the approach to italianize a traditional swabian (because of the NAME: Spätzle ) dish . Its lovely and tastes a bit like the gnocchi I like to make - an italian version of a swabian classic, thank you celineismoi!
December 8, 2016
Here is the Document about "Spätzle" by the European Union in english if anyone is interested:
August 28, 2022
My grandmother was Swiss and she always used milk in her spätzle, so I do too since I learned it from her. Must be a regional difference.
October 7, 2013
I think you have just inspired my to make to make spatzle - something I have been wanting to tr for quite awhile!
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