
Uncle Arje's Shakshuka (Eggs poached in Tomato Sauce)

October  9, 2013
3 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

Whenever I go on a family trip to Israel, I know my Great-Uncle Arje is going to begin cooking a large Israeli breakfast before dawn! And, my favourite part is always his Shakshuka. I think my recipe varies a little from his (he doesn't use canned tomatoes), but whenever I make this Shashuka, I'm transported to his kitchen. —BC Mama

  • 1 14oz Can of Diced Tomatoes
  • 1 Red Pepper Chopped
  • 1 Sweet Onion Diced
  • 1 Garlic Clove Chopped
  • 2 teaspoons Paprika
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin
  • 4-6 Eggs (depending on how hungry everyone is)
  • 1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt to Taste
  • 2-3 Chopped Chili Peppers With or Without Seeds Depending on how much Spice You Like (Optional)
  • Sprig Fresh Parsley or Mint to Garnish (Optional)
  • Drop Greek Yogurt (Optional)
  1. Add your olive oil to a heated shallow saucepan that has a tight fitting lid. Once the oil is heated through, add your onions and garlic and salt liberally.
  2. When your onions are translucent, add your peppers with some more salt. Add about half of your paprika and cumin as well. Fry until the peppers are soft.
  3. Add the tomato and the rest of your spices. At this point you can add you chili peppers if you like your shashuka spicy. Taste and adjust your seasoning if necessary. Simmer for about 5 minutes.
  4. Gently break your eggs one at a time into your simmering tomatoes. Then cover and poach until the eggs are cooked to your liking. Make sure your heat isn't too high!
  5. Remove from the heat, garnish and serve immediately! I love having shakshuka with some fresh pita or really good crusty bread (unless you are going for gluten free). The best part is using your bread to soak up all of the deliciousness in the bottom of the pan.
  6. Save any leftover for a fantastic pita sandwich for lunch the next day; or save some to eat over rice, cous cous, or quinoa for dinner!

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1 Review

Transcendancing December 9, 2014
I had some passata and a capsicum (pepper) to use up and wanted breakfast, this was great and worked perfectly! I added a bit more cumin than mentioned and a pinch of ground chilli but other than that followed faithfully. Topped it off with yoghurt and served it with cous cous because that's what was available - great choice though. Simple, tasty and filling. Breakfast of win! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!