5 Ingredients or Fewer
Salted Maple Honeycomb Candy
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54 Reviews
May 7, 2021
This was so easy and yummy. Followed directions to T. I intend to use in crumble topping for apple Betty, Greek vanilla yogurt parfait, on oatmeal, inside strawberry before I dip in chocolate. My mind is spinning with creative ideas!
June 7, 2019
My mother is highly allergic to corn, corn products and pine. Could maple syrup be substituted for anything else? If so, what could work? We really enjoyed Sprouts honeycomb until we found out my mother was allergic to corn so I want to recreate it without corn for her. Thank you!
February 6, 2025
I haven't used corn syrup for decades. Try what I use in place of it ~ Lyle's Golden Syrup. A good sub for cornstarch would be arrowroot flour or tapioca flour depending on the recipe. Bob's Red Mill makes a good version of both. My son has to be gluten free, dairy free, and soy & corn free.
December 24, 2017
I commented on this before, just a query about the science. But now that I think about it, I believe this must be what is used on the Beehive Cake, only broken into smaller pieces. I have a fab recipe I use to make something similar, minus the foamy bits, but I may try this for that, only using honey instead. Don't know why I didn't think of this before. That bakery is long gone, but my friends and family still crave their cake. Thanks, Merrill, I think you've just made a lot of folks very happy. ;)
Sara F.
December 24, 2017
I followed the recipe as written last year and was disappointed in the results. (I added a comment at the time.) I made it again this year with tweaks and it’s perfect: ONLY USE 1 TSP of baking soda. (Thanks soupcon.) I poured mine into an 8” square baking pan. That size is pretty much perfect for getting a thick enough candy.
December 16, 2017
We used to make honeycomb as children with Mom. Yummy. I had forgotten about it. However in this recipe 1 tablespoon of baking soda is far too much. You only need 1 teaspoon for the recipe to work.
Jenny R.
December 10, 2017
Tastes awesome. Mine turned out a little flat - does that mean I stirred too much when I added the baking soda?
October 6, 2017
Does altitude make a difference? I live at a high altitude, and have to adjust cooking times and temps for canning, baking etc. One thing I noticed with this is that the thermometer didn't seem to be going above 250 for a long time, then suddenly it shot up above 300. The change was rapid, and I think I overshot 300 by accident. New to using a candy thermometer - is this common?
Lanakila R.
March 12, 2017
I just tried this recipe and it turned out great! I followed the instructions to a T (aside from dropping my thermometer into the mixture just before 300 lol) and it tastes amazing!
My tips:
-I started at med-high and it took almost 15 mins to reach temp. I have heavy pots, so i figured that could be it as well. The last 3-5 mins i put it on high and FOUGHT yes fought the urger to stir. (And touch the sweet smelling mixture)
-PRIOR to using, i sifted the Arm Hammer Baking soda using my Tbs. To avoid clumping, and applied in a even coat across top. Whisked using a fork.
-mixture didnt turn as amber as i thought it should have, but the end result was perfect. Color and taste.
-I got mixture to 300F
-Used a Small cassarole dish approx 9"x7" and about 2-3 inches deep. Helped make a huge thick "LOAF"
Hope these tips help
My tips:
-I started at med-high and it took almost 15 mins to reach temp. I have heavy pots, so i figured that could be it as well. The last 3-5 mins i put it on high and FOUGHT yes fought the urger to stir. (And touch the sweet smelling mixture)
-PRIOR to using, i sifted the Arm Hammer Baking soda using my Tbs. To avoid clumping, and applied in a even coat across top. Whisked using a fork.
-mixture didnt turn as amber as i thought it should have, but the end result was perfect. Color and taste.
-I got mixture to 300F
-Used a Small cassarole dish approx 9"x7" and about 2-3 inches deep. Helped make a huge thick "LOAF"
Hope these tips help
December 26, 2016
I've made brittle and toffees many times, my candy thermometer works great. This recipe, however, did not. It smelled like it was burning almost immediately, so I swirled often. What worked well: I took it to exactly 300 degrees and the baking soda whisking turned out perfectly. What didn't - tasted burnt, as I expected. Also tasted sour like baking soda. peanut brittle takes only 1 tsp. of baking soda - perhaps a tablespoon is too much?
Sara F.
December 18, 2016
just made this and it turned out more like a brittle than the airy honeycomb I was expecting (like a crunchie bar). I’m wondering whether I used too large of a cookie sheet so that it was poured too thin? What size do you recommend? Any other ideas?
February 5, 2016
Are people who are having the soda flavor issue using regular sea salt, or flaky sea salt? I imagine the regular sea salt would be absorbed in, but the flaky sea salt would sit on top and not cause a possible change in flavor in that top layer. I have not made this yet because I'm out of flake salt and wouldn't even attempt without it!
December 22, 2015
does it last a few months
February 16, 2021
I would guess not! In my household it would be eaten in a couple of days! so we would never get to find out. A far as staying fresh for a few months, if kept in completely airtight container so no humidity could get at it. I live in Wa state on the west coast. too much humidity here for just about any kind of container to keep foods crispy fresh. Hmmmm
August 20, 2014
Since the link to the above question isn't working, I guess i'll ask mine here. ;)
Does it have to be baking soda? Or will anything that makes it foam up do the same job? I ask because I added powdered honey to a candy after it was cooked (forgot it at the front end), and it foamed like crazy. It never occurred to me to pour it in a pan and see what I'd got. But I'm wondering now if it would have come out like this.
Any ideas?
Does it have to be baking soda? Or will anything that makes it foam up do the same job? I ask because I added powdered honey to a candy after it was cooked (forgot it at the front end), and it foamed like crazy. It never occurred to me to pour it in a pan and see what I'd got. But I'm wondering now if it would have come out like this.
Any ideas?
April 21, 2014
Could I use honey to give the honeycomb texture and honey flavor?
April 19, 2020
Can you please tell me what to do my honey comb is not setting very well
March 2, 2014
Any way to make this without the sugar? Could I increase the maple syrup? I can't have sugar but can have maple syrup and this looks amazing!
February 7, 2016
Look for candy recipes using liquid sugar only. When making caramels I have done it with just honey so I know it's possible to make caramel without dry sugar. Essentially you need to evaporate the water in the liquid sugar before it will heat above 212º F. After the water is evaporated it can possibly raise in temperature to 300º F. It's worth a try.
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