Make Ahead
Winter Squash Butter
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8 Reviews
Andrea N.
November 1, 2020
So delicious! Thank you xxoo
Third season making this. Plan to freeze the leftovers from the huge banana squash I roasted!
Third season making this. Plan to freeze the leftovers from the huge banana squash I roasted!
Courtney H.
November 28, 2017
Delicious! This is a great way to use up extra squash and we loved the suggested spice blend. Great wintery breakfast spread.
November 11, 2017
instead of cooking on the stove I put in a pie plate or pan with a 1-2 inch side and bake in the oven--about 275-300F until reduced to desired thickness. Little chance of burning on the bottom because the butter is so thick. Takes a little longer, but doesn't need as much babysitting. Works great with large batches of apple butter as well..
November 9, 2013
I wanted to see your recipe for the "pumpkin pie spice" with the fresh ginger...
Sarah (.
November 11, 2013
Hm, I had thought I included that as well, but it's not showing up. It's essentially ground cinnamon, fresh grated/pounded ginger root (peeled first), freshly grated nutmeg, and freshly ground cloves. I will almost certainly be using it for pumpkin pie around thanksgiving---super bright flavor, really lovely.
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