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Basic Cooked Dried Beans
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5 Reviews
Sharon W.
April 10, 2016
There is mention of being able to freeze the cooked beans, but no one tells how to do it. I wonder if they all stick together and then get mushy when you defrost them.
November 17, 2014
how can you keep the beans longer? is it possible to preserve them in weck jars?
Rosa L.
February 10, 2015
I know you can freeze them after cooking because I have done that. You can also preserve them by using the pressure cooker method. How to Pressure Can Dried Beans in Weck Jars
March 19, 2014
now is this cooking a good thing to use for a soup broth?
or is there something funky about it, hat to dump it
or is there something funky about it, hat to dump it
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