Butter-Braised Fingerlings (or Butter Poached)
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10 Reviews
March 14, 2015
These are outrageous!! The greatest potatoes in the history of the world. I'm obsessed! Thanks HLA!
LeBec F.
February 13, 2015
When first seeing this recipe, i thought- now WHAT would be special enough about that to pick it?! But then i saw your name and knew i had to investigate.
Aside from the recipe itself, I LOVE how you have worded the instructions to move the pan contents and fry the herbs. So many cooks don't realize what a difference it makes to toast/saute the herbs and spices.And you perfectly explain a technique for doing it. Congrats!
Aside from the recipe itself, I LOVE how you have worded the instructions to move the pan contents and fry the herbs. So many cooks don't realize what a difference it makes to toast/saute the herbs and spices.And you perfectly explain a technique for doing it. Congrats!
November 24, 2013
Dang lady! These look delicious! Next time I have both hands free to cook a meal that isn't breakfast, these are going on the menu.
November 24, 2013
Thank you! I imagine you don't have much hand's free time these days. The potatoes would be great for breakfast along side an egg and greens of some sort ;-)
November 19, 2013
I'm so making this, and soon! Love the technique and the way you finish the dish. Can't wait.
November 19, 2013
You'll have to let me know how you like it! It's hard to go wrong with herbs & garlic on potatoes, and the acid gives it just a little bit of pizzazz.
November 19, 2013
I am the reigning "Potato-aholic" online and all I can say is: "Yummy, yum, yum!"...Peace, Light and Love.
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