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Homemade Gluten-Free Peanut Sauce
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11 Reviews
April 16, 2024
i grated lime zest, added two more cloves of garlic, used lime juice instead of vinegar, and lots of white pepper. more ginger for me is essential, and Tajin, a bit of ancho chili powder. this is a good basis but a great base to start with - enjoy!
January 9, 2016
I took heed of a couple of comments and instead of adding 1/2 cup of water, I added 2 Tbsp fresh lime juice (and some zest) and 2 Tbsp lite coconut milk. It was amazing and SO easy!
September 15, 2015
This was *amazing*, and such a great find on a night where I really couldn't be bothered cooking! I added some extra lime and brown sugar to the mix, plus extra siracha because I like it spicy. SO DELICIOUS. Served it with noodles, chicken and vegetables I had that needed using. So awesome. So grateful! New favourite for warmer months!
Daniel B.
January 28, 2014
how could there possibly be gluten in a peanut sauce???
February 10, 2014
Soy sauce often contains gluten. Subbing the regular soy for Tamari it is gluten-free.
January 25, 2014
Yes, lime juice, a bit of coconut milk & red pepper flakes will lead you to the "wow factor".
January 11, 2014
I use unsweetened peanut butter, and since I am no a vegan, soy sauce. The soy sauce can be the same amount as the tamari.
January 6, 2014
I made this tonight, and although good, it's missing something but I can't put a finger on it. I might make again as I am looking for "that" peanut sauce recipe to end all the searching. I did use a tad more hot sauce, and a good bit of ginger. After tasting it, I added a touch more vinegar. I'll let it sit overnight in the fridge before changing anything else. It just didn't have the "wow factor" I was hoping for; you know, the "I can't stop eating this" that happens when you hit on something that just rocks your socks off. I'll review again if I change my mind.
January 11, 2014
Lime juice! One or 2 TBS lime juice or to taste, and red pepper flakes instead of srichacha.
January 3, 2014
Look delicious! If I use soy sauce instead of tamari is the amount the same? Thanks!
Vanessa V.
January 3, 2014
Is the peanut butter in this recipe regular/sweetened or natural/unsweetened? Thanks!
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