
Kitchen Sink Frittata

January 12, 2014
2 Ratings
Photo by cookingwithtomandanita.blogspot.com
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

As we were getting ready to leave our country manor last week to play in a duplicate bridge tournament in Silicon Valley, we checked out the remaining tidbits of food in the frig to see what we could create. We came up with 6 remaining eggs, some turkey pastrami, a few green onions, some sharp cheddar, two tomatoes straight from the vine in our garden, and a jalapeno. This cried out to us...FRITTATA! So we added our signature red pepper flakes and Tom cooked it in a cast iron skillet. When the bottom and middle were done, about 8 minutes, we put it under the broiler until the top was cooked and the cheese got a little brown. It was fabulous! —Tom and Anita Morgan

  • 6 eggs (preferably organic pasture raised)
  • 4 slices of turkey pastrami
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • 1 cup cheddar cheese (we prefer extra sharp)
  • 2 tomatoes (home grown)
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 1 splash of milk
  • 1 pinch red pepper flakes
  1. Crack the eggs and add a splash of milk then stir with a wire whisk.
  2. Chop the green onions, turkey pastrami and jalapeno and add to the egg mixture. Season with red pepper flakes, salt and pepper.
  3. Grate the cheddar (or you can buy cheese already grated) and cut the tomatoes into slices. Add 3/4 cup of the grated cheese to the egg mixture.
  4. Heat the skillet over medium heat and add some olive oil. When hot, add the eggs and cook for about 8 minutes until the bottom and middle are cooked. Add the sliced tomatoes and remaining grated cheddar.
  5. Then transfer the pot to the oven and put under the broiler until the top turns golden brown. (about 2-4 minutes) Watch it carefully so it doesn't burn. Serve on heated plates with a piece of your favorite bread, toasted.

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2 Reviews

Tom A. January 13, 2014
That's a great story! Thanks for sharing. We like to do the same thing occasionally. It's fun creating great tasting meals while cleaning out the frig!
Superyalda January 13, 2014
That's so funny since I think that's what a frittata is supposed to do ... get rid of leftovers.
I spend time in Ortona, Italy with extended family. Nonna Rita did all the cooking, usually whatever her son had caught on his daily fishing outing. Her cooking was heaven.
One night I see her throwing everything into a frying pan. She even shredded the old pasta into it ... I mean everything!
One of the best frittatas I've ever had :)