
Galette au Chou

January 26, 2014
3 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Cabbage that even kids will lust after! This recipe is originally from the region of Auvergne, France. What I liked most about the recipe was how its unique technique worked out; the batter served more as a shell to hold the layers of vegetables together instead of just acting as a type of cake dough, which is quite unusual. The effect this gives of creating a pie will enthuse even the youngest members of your family tribe. Finally, cabbage can be served without tears.
I was inspired by Joanna Harris' cookbook, the author of Chocolat, but I made my changes and personalised using some Spanish chorizo. —Daniela Bluindigo

  • 1/2 Savoy cabbage, shredded
  • 100 grams chorizo sausage, cut into small pieces
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 shallots, thinly sliced
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 200 grams flour
  • 300 milliliters milk
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  1. Preheat the oven to 360ºF (180ºC). Steam the savoy cabbage for about 3 minutes, or until whittled down but still al dente
  2. In a medium bowl place the garlic, shallots, chorizo, eggs and olive oil. Mix with a fork. Add the flour and the milk and whisk to combine.
  3. Butter a 10-inch round cake tin. Spoon half of the mixture into it and layer all the shredded cabbage. Cover with the rest of the mixture and smooth the surface with spoon or spatula, if needed.
  4. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Transfer the cake tin to a cooling rack and leave the Galette to cool in the pan for 5 minutes. Remove or serve directly from the tin.

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7 Reviews

Starmade April 30, 2015
I tried this as written and cooked it for 30 minutes and it did not turn into a pie. In fact the dough sort of solidified into a pasty (not at all pie like) mass at the bottom of the pan, mostly under the cabbage. My impression is that there was not enough heat. I've looked at some other versions and they involve preheating the oiled pie pan in the oven - I might try that next time, perhaps in a cast iron pan.
Barak M. March 28, 2021
I followed the recipe and the batter was quite liquid. It therefore sipped through the cabbage during the baking and did not form a top layer at all.
Shame though because the recipe looks promising and the photo in the article ditto. Not sure what went wrong. Any idea?
Pegeen February 2, 2014
Looking forward to trying this! What other vegetables would you recommend substituting for cabbage? Maybe kale or spinach? (Understanding that they might need to be sweated down for different lengths of time). Thanks!
Daniela B. February 2, 2014
Of course Pegeen, you can use kale, spinach, swiss chard too. Hope you can try it ;-)
Pegeen February 3, 2014
KakiSue January 28, 2014
Simple and straightforward--I will try this as an alternate to our weekly omelette night.
cucina D. January 28, 2014
i love this idea... sounds amazing and we love all kinds of vegetables too! I think your idea of adding the chorizio is genius... wonderful smoky flavor. can't wait to try this version.