Steinbeck Bagnat
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11 Reviews
May 28, 2012
Just discovered this and pulled everything out of the cupboard. We had many anchovy filets, and some sardines with capers packed in olive oil. So the ratio was more anchovy than sardine, truth be told. Didn't have cress, either, so I used really peppery arugula from my garden. It was delicious, though I was kicked out of the house for my smelly sandwich and had to eat it with the birds and garden mint.
February 24, 2012
Really like the inclusion of watercress and radishes in this! And the olives would not, under any circumstances, be optional in this household. Great, great recipe. ;o)
February 24, 2012
How come I've never seen this recipe before now? I would have made it at least 20 times!!! What a great version of Pan Bagnat. I see it in my future very soon.
LeBec F.
February 24, 2012
You had me with that Danton comment!(though if you expect more than 1% of any American crowd to get it, you must be pretty scholastically isolated) I am def going to make this and i am not going to wimp out but here's what i will do: I'll share tit for tat- In my mini food processor, i puree 2 cans of drained flat anchovies, add and whip 2 2/3 sticks of unsalted butter. My fav bread spread ever. And this is what i will use on one half of your delicious sandwich. Thnx so much!
February 24, 2012
Le Bec, thank you for your comment. What you may not know is that my mandoline is named Robespierre.
May 1, 2011
I have a lot of tinned sardines at the moment, and I do believe this is what we'll do with them.
January 14, 2010
Love it, Pierino! Am delighted to hear about the Cannery Row Sardines. Will have to check them out next time I'm down that way (alas, not for the next few months due to client demands), but in the meantime, will order online.
January 13, 2010
My kind of dish. Well done, sir - and I'm heading over to check out those sardines now.
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